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US Naval, Troop Movements to N. Africa, Middle East as Syrian Destabilization Escalates

Webster Tarpley | The US are gearing up for a major confrontation with Syria.

After Libya: NATO Can and Will Target Any Head of State

RT | Libya should be a wake-up call to all nation states: NATO can target you too.

China Issues Warning on US Assets as Dollar Index Hits New Low

Reuters | China has been growing its share of U.S. securities quite aggressively, US fears they may begin to dump them.

TREND: Israelis Rush for Second Passports

“Perhaps as many as half of the Jews living in Israel will consider leaving Palestine in the next few years if political and social trends continue.” – By Franklin Lamb CounterPunch June 5, 2011 Perhaps historians or cultural anthropologists surveying the course of human events can identify for us a land, in addition to Palestine, where […]

Freakonomics and the United States of McDonalds

By Patrick Henningsen 21st Century June 4, 2011 This is one of those Freakonomic statistics that, if you were in government, you wouldn’t ever want it to be released to the public, especially during a protracted recession like we are currently witnessing in the US. No one would like to admit that the Golden Arches […]

White House Hires ‘Terminator’ To ‘Squash Negative Stories’ About Obama

Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com May 24, 2011 In a bid to ‘squash negative stories’ about Barack Obama that appear on the Internet, the White House has hired a dedicated propagandist whose role will be to savage people who tell “lies” about the President, in a chilling reminder of how prosecutors threatened people with jail time […]

The Establishment’s War on Ron Paul

Susan Westfall | Ron Paul is simply…not for sale. Lobbyists for special interests have never been able to rent his vote…


Patrick Henningsen | Both domestically, and in a foreign intervention sense, the West is effectively rewriting their law books as they go along.

NET TRENDS: Strangling of the Free Internet Begins

Matt Ryan Infowars.com March 22, 2011 AT&T’s pending acquisition of T-Mobile USA has the tech world buzzing with various pros and cons of what this merging would mean for the consumer. Among the pros are the possibility of having a single mobile standard (4G LTE) and a market where phones aren’t restricted to a single carrier. […]


Infowars | One of many YouTube reports on the ground getting through from Japan this week.


21WIRE | A guide to surviving radioactive fallout & radiation contamination from Japan.

Radioactive Winds Head Towards Tokyo, US West Coast

Infowars | Is the Global Jet Stream sending radiation winds towards California?


Are foreign interests steering this uprising? By Andrew McKillop 21st Century Wire March 2011 Weeks are unfolding with almost nothing from the Conspiracy Corner that gives any solace to average persons wanting to know why the Arab world is seemingly falling apart. Ditto from the mainstream media. And it’s not only the pundits who don’t […]

You and Whose Army? When Sovereign Citizens Met The Gaddafi Wall

Q: Do dictators have any rights when ‘the international community’ come calling? – By Cochise Johnson 21st Century Wire Feb 26, 2011 Freeman on the land? It’s easy to be critical of people who want to be free and wear their heart on a sleeve of sincerity. The junior psychologist in everyone who comes across […]

CNN’s Anderson Cooper activates ‘Operation Mockingbird’ in Egypt

Patrick Henningsen | The eventual result of CNN reporting will be a list of various agency objectives from the Anglo-American and Israeli Axis.

China vs West: Is a Solar Trade War About to Flare?

Reuters | How are China’s solar companies benefiting at the expense of renewable energy manufacturers in Europe and the United States?

MIDTERM WARNING: We Are Being Set-up for Another Fake War

21WIRE | Hillary Clinton: the USA’s new War Secretary.

TASER NATION: ‘Inside the NBA’ TV Program Making Fun of Taser Victims

21WIRE | Why would an NBA basketball program want to glorify and make light comedy out of state-sanctioned torture?

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