21WIRE + FEE | The judge’s record of promoting the post-911 national security police state has been absent from the debate.
Remembering John McCain
21WIRE | A life dedicated to the industry of war.
YEMEN: U.S Involvement in UAE Controlled Torture and Detention Centres
Vanessa Beeley | UAE torture and human rights abuses under U.S supervision in southern Yemen.
Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern ‘Dragged’ by Capitol Police During Haspel Hearing
21WIRE + RT | If Haspel’s confirmation goes through, the nickname “Bloody Gina” is sure to stick.
An Honest Syrian Response to the Criminally Hypocritical Western Cries of “Torture”
21WIRE | Torture is a global phenomenon, to assume moral superiority in the west is criminal hypocrisy.
The Moderate Rebel Torture Chambers of East Aleppo: A Womans Testimony
Afraa Dagher | The hell that was life under “moderate rebel” rule in East Aleppo
NATO’s FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY: Gaddafi Son Tortured By New Libyan ‘Courts’
21WIRE + RT | Welcome to ‘liberated’ Libya, where the lunatics run the asylum.
Ex-MI6 Chief: ‘Torture Works’
21WIRE + RT | And they wonder why the world is asking serious questions about the actions of intelligence agencies?
Secret Justice: GOP Plans to ‘Return’ Torture Documents to CIA (for shredding)
21WIRE + Huff Post | Welcome to the new Secret Security State.
The Kennedys vs The CIA: 1961 to Now
Brasscheck TV | Until today, the Kennedys are still battling the CIA machine.
Citizenship Revoked, Beaten and Threatened With Sexual Abuse – For Refusing to Spy
21WIRE | MI5 who told him that his ‘suspect status’ would be cleared if agreed to be a snitch.
Dear CIA: We’ve Known for 1,700 Years that Torture Nets False Confessions
Washington’s Blog | Even the Romans knew that information obtained through torture was not to be trusted.
Sydney Siege: Was Aussie ‘Terror Sheikh’ a Patsy, Informant or Just Mad?
21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | Aussie ‘terror mascot’ posed no threat to Australia or its national security or democracy, but he’s being used to enact new policies.
Neocon Media Rant: How ‘Awesome’ is America?
Robert Parry | Fox News is the poster child of an infantile, anti-intellectualism which is sweeping America.
Episode #63: SUNDAY WIRE – ‘Foot Whipping in the USA’ with host Patrick Henningsen
SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
CIA: “Verschärfte Vernehmung!” (That’s Nazi for ‘enhanced interrogation’)
21WIRE + The Atlantic | It’s time to put Washington’s torture apologists in their correct position.
TORTURE REPORT: What the CIA and Washington Are Really Hiding
IN THE NOW | 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen lists the real stories behind the ‘Torture’ controversy.
Some Americans Just Love Secret Torture
Truthstream Media | Bush Mythology: ‘America just has to commit heinous and disgusting war crimes to protect Americans.’
EXCLUSIVE: CIA Spent $40 million, Hacked Senate Computers to Suppress Torture Report
Patrick Henningsen | Senator: “The CIA pulled out all the stops to prevent this from coming out.”
Yale to train US Special Forces in interrogation techniques using immigrants as guinea pigs
RT | Yale’s new $1.8 million program is just another sign of imploding American values and morals.