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Kamala Admits Real Agenda: Pushing the Economy-Crushing ‘Green New Deal’

Zero Hedge | Harris reveals scam where globalists collect billions annually through carbon regulations, then they use that cash as leverage to pressure nations to adopt whatever policies they want. 

UK in Grip of Top Down Starvation Policy

Julian Rose | Red lights should be flashing for all those dependent upon the current disastrous food and farming policy.

New Study Exposes ‘Global Warming’ Hoax

Frank Bergman | New Study Exposes ‘Global Warming’ Hoax.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Privatization Of Nature | New Environmental Markets (2014)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Examining the commercialization of conservation through environmental markets, where companies buy land to sell ‘nature credits,’ raising ethical and economic concerns.

Saved from Drowning: From a Virtual Existence to a Real Life

Julian Rose | Understanding the tragic dehumanising trajectory of ‘deep state’ induced life style choices.

The Role of Thought Power in the Cause and Effect Dynamics of Global Crisis

Julian Rose | Despite our setbacks, humanity has the capacity to set the pendulum swinging in the opposite direction.

The Davos Class is Desperate

The Bomb Thrower | It’s now pretty clear that the Davos class is desperate and scared, as is evidenced by their panicking luminaries.

‘Madkind vs Mankind’ – A Race Against Time

Julian Rose | ‘The Great Reset’ is the appropriately named most recent clock-setting event initiated by ‘Madkind’.

The Psychological Battle for Truth and Power of the Farmers Uprising

Julian Rose | A historic mobilization by those who form the foundation of the pyramid which hold society together.

UPDATE: Polish Farmers in Ongoing Fight for Their Existance

Julian Rose | Product dumping by Ukraine is placing the EU public and the Polish agriculture industry at grave risk.

AI is Starting to Scare People – And So It Should!

Julian Rose | The shocking truth is that AI has the unbridled power to DIVIDE humanity.

Take Note: ‘Whom the Gods Would Destroy They First Make Mad’

Julian Rose | Humanity has arrived at that inflection point now. What next?

Polish Farmers to Block Entire Border with Ukraine Including Transport Hubs, Rail Depots and Seaports

Julian Rose | Update on ‘No Green Deal’ National Strike by Polish farmers.

INTERVIEW: Kristian James – ‘Amazon is Buying Wind Farms’

TNT Radio | Amazon is buying their own ‘green’ energy grid, is this part of a transnational monopolist trend?

Europe Braces Itself: Polish Farmers Prepare to Join Global Protests This Week

Julian Rose | Polish farmer prepare to join the global protest against globalists’ attack on agricultural independence and real food security.

Harvesting Discontent: The Global Farmer’s Revolt 

Kristian James | Seeking to seed change… There’s a global agricultural uprising underway, as farmers worldwide unite in a spectacle of defiance.

A Brutal Reality: Psychopaths Form Majority of Today’s World Leaders

Julian Rose | Like it or not, staring us in the face is a monster we have no way of hiding from.

Ukraine Openly Offers Up Its Male Population a Proxy Army for NATO

RT International | By offering up its able-bodied male population for NATO’s frontline meat grinder, Kiev believes it is giving Washington the ‘best deal’ possible.

The Robber Barons: From Rhode Island to ‘The Global Estate’

Niall McCrae | Are those same barons of old still robbing us today?

INTERVIEW: Kristian James – ‘Net Zero’ Madness, US Sending A.I. Drones to Israel

TNT Radio | The ‘Net Zero’ agenda still doesn’t add up. Also, US firms are supplying new deadly AI drones to Israel.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue