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New York’s Speech Crackdown Shields ISRAEL From Public Criticism

Glenn Greenwald | Many universities and state governments are caving to pressure from the Israel Lobby – in an effort to clamp down on freedom of speech.

INTERVIEW: Sam Husseini – FBI Harass Israeli Dissident + The ‘War of Annihilation’ on Gaza

TNT Radio | Even the world’s top historians are not safe from the US government when it comes to their views on Palestine.

INTERVIEW: Ryan Dawson – How Israeli Lobby Got U.S. to Back a Genocide

TNT Radio | How the Israeli lobby has gained control over U.S. establishment and politics.

INTERVIEW: lara Modarelli – Students for Palestine Spreads Through Europe

TNT Radio | Activists are demanding institutions and governments end their support of genocide by Israel.

INTERVIEW: Sam Husseini – ‘Student Protests for Palestine Are Historic’

TNT Radio | Western establishment are desperate to silence the historic wave of dissidence against violent Zionist extremism.

INTERVIEW: Niko House – Students for Palestine Trigger Zionist ‘Woke Right’ Reaction

TNT Radio | Can Israel be stopped before killing thousands more innocents in Rafah?

INTERVIEW: Michael Tracey – ‘What Happened at NYC Columbia Student Palestinian Protests’

TNT Radio | What really went down at last week’s Pro-Palestinian student protests.

INTERVIEW: Joseph Arthur – ‘Gen Z Protesters + #CeasefireNow in Gaza’

TNT Radio | Gen Z students protests against U.S. involvement in Israel’s ongoing genocide.

INTERVIEW: Bryan ‘Hesher’ McClain – The ‘Woke Right’ vs Campus Protesters

TNT Radio | Is the ‘woke right’ trying distract from the collapse of Ukraine, and U.S. is arming Israel’s disaster in Gaza?

INTERVIEW: Brian Pfail – ‘Big Tech & Zuckerberg Election Meddling in 2024’

TNT Radio | What role will the Big Tech oligarchs play in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election?

INTERVIEW: Brian J. Pfail – ‘The Truth About the ADL vs Elon Musk’

TNT Radio | Another look at the ADL’s face-off with X-Twitter’s owner Elon Musk.

INTERVIEW: Chris Williamson – New book: “Ten Years Hard Labour”

TNT Radio | An insider’s account of one of the most historic impasses in modern British politics.

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine – BBC Defames Roger Waters + Trudeau Drives Canada Off the Woke Cliff

TNT Radio | How woke is too woke? What on earth does 2SLGBTQI+ even mean?

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Rick Munn – ‘Transgender Terrorism’ & Pro-Palestine = Antisemitism?

TNT Radio | The Nashville transgender terrorist labelled as a victim, the brutal takedown on UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Basil Valentine: Identity Politics & How PC Culture is Destroying Our Discourse

Basil Valentine | The weaponization of identity politics is ruining public discourse in America and Europe, as politics is no longer a forum for debate, only ultimatums.

Donald Trump Reveals That He’s an Anti-Semite With Attack on Congresswomen

Robert Inlakesh | Donald Trump is justifying his own racism by claiming that criticising Israel is anti-Semitic and by doing this he is creating Antisemitism himself.

Zionist Caucus’s ‘Political Lynching’ of US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar

Teodrose Fikre | Why a first generation immigrant from Somalia who represents the quintessential American story, is being ripped apart by those determined to intimidate anyone who dares tspeaking truth to power.

Why is Washington Afraid of Ilhan Omar?

Robert Inlakesh | Politically speaking, Washington DC has now become an occupied territory.

‘Beauty and The Beast’ – Gilad Atzmon vs. Rachel Riley

Gilad Atzmon | Following the failure by the Israeli Lobby to cripple Jeremy Corbyn, various establishment figures have been drafted in to help smear critics of Israeli policy by doubling-down on the rapidly dissipating ‘antisemitic’ smear.

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