SARTRE | The future restoration of America is impossible, unless the blind obedience to a foreign lobby is finally broken.
Racism and Zionism Rule the BBC’s Failing News Agenda
21st Century Wire | The BBC has only excelled in covering up crimes and pushing extremist views on the license paying public.
Patrick Henningsen on UK Column Live Show
UK Column | UK Column Live current affairs programme, with host Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson.
Recent Interview with Leo Zagami
Interesting interview with Illuminati ‘whistleblower’, Leo Zagami… Aka Leo Lyon Zagami (born March 5, 1970) who lived in Rome until he was 24, he then spent the next 15 years in England and Norway. Zagami goes into detail about how the shadow government is constructed and who is actually issuing the standing orders which affect […]
21st Century Wire news analyst Patrick Henningsen appears live on RT to discuss Israel’s current herding and slaughter of the region’s indigenous Palestinian people, a grave situation which has been allowed to continue – and even promoted by governments in Washington DC and London – all under the false guise of Israeli ‘defense’. They also discuss how the […]
AIPAC Lobby Moulds US Policy: How Israel ‘Out-Foxed’ US Presidents
From the Archive: Just days after President Obama’s reelection, Israel launched a punishing bombing campaign against Palestinians in Gaza – much as Israel did shortly after his election in 2008. Obama again is put in a tight spot, but other U.S. presidents faced similar challenges, as Morgan Strong reported in 2010. By Morgan Strong (Originally […]
Gaza Slaughter is the Latest in a Long Line of Israeli Violence Against Arabs
By Miko Peled Miko Peled Weblog As I write these words… I am in Jerusalem and it is a cold, windy and rainy day. Yesterday at the protest in Nabi Saleh, facing the IDF terror squads and in full view of the villas of the settler terrorists, we were drenched in rain and then frozen […]
Standard Practice: Jew Settlers Stoning Palestine Christian Children As They Walk to School
This video which demonstrates what Palestinians go through on a daily basis, as Jewish settlers ‘defend themselves’ by stoning children, and in some cases – permanently disfiguring them… ….
London Black Cab Driver Losses It Over Israel’s Slaughter in Gaza
Even London’s Black Cabbies are at the end of their rope, Israel is, as they say, “BANG OUT OF ORDER”… Palestinians would beg for South African Apartheid instead having to endure of Israel’s violent military collective punishment of its people. Disgusting. Where is the UN? The UN is a joke. The War on Terror is […]
Racist Israeli Rabbi Calls For ‘Genocide and Extermination’ of Native Palestinians
21WIRE | Why are Israels so obsessed with racial purity in Israel?
AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH: The Banking ‘Transfer Agreement’ Between Hitler and the Zionists
21WIRE | This is an uncomfortable, yet key piece of complex financial history that many modern scribes are not willing to look at.
Arch Paedophile Jimmy Savile was Israel supporter and devout Zionist
21WIRE + | Professional paedophile Jimmy Savile found many friends amongst Zionists and Israeli leaders.
TREND: Israelis Rush for Second Passports
“Perhaps as many as half of the Jews living in Israel will consider leaving Palestine in the next few years if political and social trends continue.” – By Franklin Lamb CounterPunch June 5, 2011 Perhaps historians or cultural anthropologists surveying the course of human events can identify for us a land, in addition to Palestine, where […]
Tony Cartalucci | The whole world is their oyster, and the nation-state their plaything.