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INTERVIEW: Mike Benz – ‘A.I. Censorship Will Play Role in 2024 Election’

TNT Radio | What roles the U.S. government and Big Tech are set to play in the 2024 Election.

Media and Big Tech Interfered in 2020 Election – And They’re Ready to Repeat in 2024

Breitbart News | The evidence of election fraud and interference in 2020 is overwhelming, and the same Democratic Establishment are ready to reboot the entire farrago.

Jeffrey Tucker: ‘The Valorization of the Tyrants’

Jeffrey Tucker | The Establishment war on free speech under the guise of ‘stopping misinformation online.’

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Riot in the Matrix’ (2020)

SUNDAY SCREENING | How Washington spies on European users of Facebook, Google, Apple and Amazon.

INTERVIEW: Name Redacted – ‘CIA, FBI, DHS Still Censoring at Facebook, Google & YouTube’

TNT Radio |  Understanding the federal government’s infiltration of Big Tech social media platforms to control global speech.

YouTube Reverses Misinformation Policy to Allow US Alleged ‘Election Denialism’

21WIRE | YouTube makes a half-hearted move to appear fair and objective, but critics are not convinced.

Peter Hitchens: The Covid Censors Are Now Moving on to Ukraine

UnHerd | A disturbing new report reveals UK government domestic spying and censorship ops – targeting journalists and elected officials.

US Gov’t Secretly Meets with Big Tech to Censor Speech

TNT Radio | The US government, led by the current Biden Administration, is engaged in hard fascism, as they openly trample over the constitutional rights of anyone who opposes the party line.

Rumble Video Goes Public on NASDAQ

21WIRE | Is online freedom of speech finally going to be a reality?

How to NOT Get Deplatformed in 2022

JP Sears | Trying to hold on to that last sliver of your online existence – before it’s memory-holed by a Silicon Valley staffer.

INTERVIEW: Patrick Henningsen talks with guest Dr Vernon Coleman

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | The latest in the endless Vaudeville theatre that is the ‘global pandemic’.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra: Report Finds Dramatic Increase of Heart Inflammation Linked to Jabs

21WIRE | A brave doctor raises the alarm – on some serious medical findings which should concern everyone.

Ministry of Propaganda Then and Now: YouTube Censorship and ‘Covid-19 Medical Misinformation’

Stephen Karganovic | Silicon Valley’s inelegant solution is to try to ram Big Pharma and government propaganda down everybody’s throat – and it’s likely to backfire. 

Where Have Dr Sam’s COVID Videos Gone?

Dr Sam Bailey | It’s now clear that Big Tech is enforcing a political line, not a scientific or medical one.

“Let’s Go Brandon” by Bryson Gray (MUSIC VIDEO) [Ft. Tyson James & Chandler Crump]

Bryson Gray | Despite being banned from YouTube, the song has reached the number one spot on the iTunes and other music charts. 

They Still Cannot Define ‘Covid-19 Misinformation’

Dr Sam Bailey | Untying this complex knot of gaslighting and propaganda created by government, mainstream media and academia.

CrossTalk: Falling US Fortunes in Middle East, YouTube’s Global Censorship Farm

CrossTalk | Host Peter Lavelle with 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen and author George Szamuely.

YouTube Erases RT’s Flagship Channel RT Deutsch Over Alleged ‘Medical Misinformation’

Patrick Henningsen | A dangerous move in banning state media – which threatens to start a tit-for-tat media war between the West and Russia.

Is COVID Mania Wearing Off?

21WIRE | How long can the hold on to their newfound authoritarian powers?

REPORT: Biden White House Working with Silicon Valley to Censor Vaccine Criticism

21WIRE | Government and Big Tech are now openly colluding to censor any information which challenges COVID policy and pharmaceutical products.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue