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First Nuke In Currency Wars: Venezuela Launches Devalues Currency By 46%

BIN | Here comes Venezuela and shows the banana republics of the developed world what lobbing a nuclear bomb into a currency war knife fight looks like.

No, You’re Not Imagining It – The Gold Miners Are Tanking

Editor’s Note: With the Dodd-Frank Act coming into effect, over the counter trading of gold and silver may be illegal starting on July 15th (or at least that is what some companies apparently now believe). FOREX sent out the following cable last week: “We wanted to make you aware of some upcoming changes to FOREX.com’s product offering. As […]

China Issues Warning on US Assets as Dollar Index Hits New Low

Reuters | China has been growing its share of U.S. securities quite aggressively, US fears they may begin to dump them.

MARKET FLASH: Oil set for a big price jump

By Andrew McKillop 21st Century Wire MARKET INSIGHT June 6, 2011 Oil is again a leading asset for possible rapid price growth. The reasons are however rather strange and sinister:  Wall Street is demanding higher prices, very especially by Goldman Sachs Group Inc which says the price should (it says “could”) reach $ 130 a […]

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