21WIRE | “The government is obsessed with a crisis more or less invented out of statistics.”
Hitchens: ‘Government’s COVID Pseudo-Science Will Lead to Political Crisis’
Hitchens: Public Need to ‘Drive a Wedge Between Conservative Party and Boris Johnson’
Talk Radio | Hitchens saying that ‘if enough people can pressure their MPs, we can bring an end to this thing.’
HITCHENS: UK Gov’t Decision to Force Us to Wear Face Nappies Will Kill British High Street
21WIRE | Brace yourself: closures, job cuts, inflation, tax rises and a slashing of public services are all on their way.
Hitchens: ‘Excessive COVID Fears Have Completely Changed the Country’
talkRADIO | “They deliberately stirred up excessive fear at the beginning, which has completely changed the nature of the country.”
Hitchens: UK Government Worried Its Power Will ‘Drain Away’ If Can’t Keep the Fear Up
talkRADIO | Continued fearmongering of a ‘Second Wave’ of COVID has become a government mechanism for maintaining its unprecedented grip on power.
Hitchens on UK COVID Crisis: ‘We Face Months of Continuing Idiocy’
21WIRE | “Eventually there will be an accounting for this. It ought to be soon, and I hope it will be.”
Hitchens: ‘In many people’s eyes, the UK’s Lockdown is already over’
Talk Radio | Concerns are even more real now about long term economic damage done as a result of lockdown policy.
Hitchens: ‘Coronavirus Lockdown is Like a National Heart Attack’
Talk Radio | Lockdown governments are now faced with the horrific conundrum of not being able to exit their own failed policy decision.
A Voice of Reason in Storm of Corona Hysteria
Peter Hitchens | Restricting civil liberties, locking down a healthy population, and stalling a healthy economy is extremely dangerous – risking irreparable harm to individuals, society and the nation, and will ultimately threaten our very way of life.
Peter Hitchens Dismantles the Government’s Lockdown Policy
John Anderson Show | Questioning the validity of the extreme actions democratic governments are taking around the world to combat the coronavirus pandemic.
Hitchens: Why the West Repeatedly Misrepresents Russia
Peter Hitchens | Can the West overcome its own self-induced collective psychosis about all things Russian?
Peter Hitchens: How Tony Blair and New Labour Ruined Britain
Peter Hitchens | A brilliant exposure of one of the biggest political frauds in modern times.
Peter Hitchens on Britian’s Attitude Towards Russia and the Skripal Poisoning
Peter Hitchens | Discussing the problems with Skripal case with leading British columnist.