21WIRE + RT | Explosions and fire reported near Damascus International Airport. Stay tuned for updates from 21WIRE in Damascus.
SYRIA: Several Large Explosions & Fire Reported Near Damascus Int’l Airport
Trump Attacks Hillary: “She is a world class liar!”
21WIRE | Today, Donald Trump presented a full length speech attacking Hillary Clinton.
Jay Dyer with James Corbett: “The Prestige” and Revelation of the Method
Jay Dyer | James Corbett asked me on his podcast to discuss Christopher Nolan films, and in particular The Prestige in its relation to statecraft, espionage, 9/11 and the theater of media infowar.
Above the Law: What’s Behind Israel’s Latest Military Rampage In Syria?
21st Century Wire | This latest unprovoked attack proves that Israel is the single greatest threat to world peace today – see the results for yourself….
Latest alleged ‘chemical attack’ kills 25 in Aleppo, Syria
Daily Star | Although this report has yet to be independently verified, the West will seize upon it to gain a military foothold in the conflict.
US panel urges military to use nuclear strike as bid to ‘deter cyber attacks’
Press TV | Further proof that think tanks in Washington have lost their minds completely.
Malware Attacks Hits ‘Before Its News’ Website – Foretelling Cyber False Flag?
Before It’s News UPDATE: Thanks to all our readers for their supportive emails today. You’re the best! Malware alerts struck the web last night and this morning, in a preview of what Internet users have to look forward to once the real cyber false flag hits the Net. Real and fake malware will create chaos, […]
Facebook and Instagram’s New Ad Policy Change ‘Could Compromise Privacy for Teens’
21WIRE + WP | Facebook “sees teens as a digital goldmine.”
Israeli Aggression: Watch Trailer from “Operation Overreaction”
Mark Fiore | See the Gaza Flotilla action and watch as Israel continues to struggle maintaining healthy relations- with anyone!