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Ministry of Propaganda Then and Now: YouTube Censorship and ‘Covid-19 Medical Misinformation’

Stephen Karganovic | Silicon Valley’s inelegant solution is to try to ram Big Pharma and government propaganda down everybody’s throat – and it’s likely to backfire. 

REVEALED: How US Government-Media Complex Are The Masters of ‘Fake News’

Washingtons Blog | This report documents exactly how the US government and mainstream media are by far the biggest purveyors of fake news throughout history.

Eddie Bernays: The Godfather of Modern Propaganda

Edward Bernays: know who he is, and what he invented… READ MORE ON MODERN PROPAGANDA AT: 21st Century Wire Propaganda Files –

CNN’s Anderson Cooper activates ‘Operation Mockingbird’ in Egypt

Patrick Henningsen | The eventual result of CNN reporting will be a list of various agency objectives from the Anglo-American and Israeli Axis.


“The IPCC may therefore be allowed to die a timely death. Its budgets can be cut or frozen, and its  transition to the added status of becoming a full-blown UN agency pushed further back…“ By Andrew McKillop Sept 8th 2010 21st Century Wire Through the whole year of 2009, building up to the failed Copenhagen […]

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