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What are the future prospects of the European Union? Will the EU achieve its ambitious goal of becoming the 'United States of Europe'? All this and more...

Lavrov: When ‘America First’ Alarmingly Sounds Like ‘Deutschland Über Alles’

21WIRE | YALTA 2: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov urges the US and Europe to revert to the historic international framework.

Latest Presidential Election in Belarus – Fair or Unfair?

21WIRE | Recent elections in Belarus are being denounced as “fraudulent” by Western governments.

Greenland’s Critical Role in America’s ‘National Security’

21WIRE | Understanding the United States’ possible economic and security arrangement with Greenland.

VIDEO: Washington’s Unstoppable Superweapon and How to Defend Against It

The New Atlas | More than any military incursion, Washington’s preferred weapon of choice is its fleet of ‘democracy’ NGOs.

BREAKING: Germany’s Government Collapses After Scholz Loses Confidence Vote

21WIRE | Economic woes stemming from Russian sanctions and the disastrous Ukraine adventure are now catching up with Europe’s top dog.

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Is NATO destroying the EU?

Judging Freedom | How NATO’s policies are destabilizing Europe by exacerbating the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Dazed & Confused: EU and NATO’s Crazed Policy of Escalation in Ukraine

The Duran | Trying to make sense of NATO’s counterintuitive policy of escalation with Russia in Ukraine, as Washington leads Europe on the road to ruin.

Andrew Korybko: Germany Finally Maxed-Out Its Military Support For Ukraine

Andrew Korybko | Western aid is drying up and Russia is gaining ground in the war of attrition.

France Continues to Supply Arms to Israel, Contrary to Macron’s Statements

Iara Modarelli | Macron’s fluctuating stance on arming Israel after Netanyahu’s angry backlash reveals political pressure and ongoing military ties

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Taylor Hudak – Is Future of the Schengen Region at Risk?

TNT Radio | The potential risks and impact of current EU migration policies.

Poland Won’t Let Ukraine Join EU Unless WWII Massacre Issue Resolved

The Press United | Poland sets conditions for Ukraine’s EU membership. 

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine, Tony Gosling & Bryan ‘Hesher’ McClain – Trump Assassination Attempt

TNT Radio | Is Trump a threat to NATO and the Swamp?

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – French Elections: What Just Happened?

TNT Radio | Why many were surprised by the results of the French Legislative elections.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – Inside The French Elections

TNT Radio | French Elections: seemingly unstoppable National Rally aiming for majority.

INTERVIEW: Ali Jezzini – Israel vs Hezbollah & Cyprus Warning

TNT Radio | Nasrallah’s warning should make Cyprus reconsider its role in the conflict.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – NATO’s New Leadership + EU Does Damage Control Mode

TNT Radio | The EU is proving to be the world’s most undemocratic institution.

INTERVIEW: Ilay Aksoy – Turkey Turns to BRICS?

TNT Radio | Will the geopolitical balance shift when Turkey joins the BRICS alliance?

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – Macron’s Snap Election: Clever Ploy or Desperate Gamble?

TNT Radio | Macron calls for snap election after crushing defeat in the European elections.

INTERVIEW: Mats Nilsson – ‘European Elections Are Not What You Think’

TNT Radio | Will the latest EU election results really change anything?

INTERVIEW: Tarik Cyril Amar – How Germany and Europe Are Being Pushed Into War

TNT Radio | Washington and its partners are intent on pushing Europe into a major war with Russia.

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