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Professor: Artificial Intelligence As Dangerous As Nuclear Weapons

21WIRE + Daily Mail | A growing number of experts are raising huge concerns about A.I. development.

21st Century Cylons: Robots Are Replacing Human Soldiers

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | They call it ‘integration’, but robot executives already refer to their robot army as humanoid.

VIDEO: The Next Generation of Surveillance

YouTube | AI is now a reality in ‘eye in the sky’ technology and drones.

SKYNET IS HERE: Computers that will taste, smell and hear (and think) in 5 years, says IBM

21WIRE + WP | SKYNET wasn’t just science fiction, as we will soon find out with Artificial Intelligence.

Google Glasses: Is this the End of Smartphone Era?

By Nicholas Carlson You’ve heard that Google is working on computerized glasses. They’re called Google Glass, and developers can already buy them. It turns out Microsoft is working on something similar. It filed some patents on the project and Unwired View dug them up. There’s a big difference between what Microsoft is working on and Google Glass, though. The most recent word out of […]

White House Hires ‘Terminator’ To ‘Squash Negative Stories’ About Obama

Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com May 24, 2011 In a bid to ‘squash negative stories’ about Barack Obama that appear on the Internet, the White House has hired a dedicated propagandist whose role will be to savage people who tell “lies” about the President, in a chilling reminder of how prosecutors threatened people with jail time […]

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