Patrick Henningsen | Hillary is not only an architect of both Libya and Syria wars – she was a key instigator.
Why Hillary Clinton is Responsible for US Failures in Libya and Syria
Congressman Jim Jordan stops CNN gatekeeper Chris Cuomo on Benghazi cover-up
21WIRE | Once again, Operation Mockingbird has been deployed to bury another damaging White House scandal.
Hillary Clinton: Neocon War-Hawk in Waiting
Robert Parry | Hillary’s Neocon status confirmed as she is poised to pull the US to the brink of war with Russia
Source of Chaos: Tunisia Shooter Trained in LIBYA
Stuart J. Hooper | We need to solve problems by finding their source.
BENGHAZI: A trail of blood, deception and double agents
Shawn Helton | A trail of blood and lies have been left in Benghazi.
Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst calls for President Obama’s impeachment
Dallas Morning News | A shot across the bow of the White House from the Lone Star state.
Trouble: Senators Graham & McCain trying to control future of Egypt
21WIRE + Reuters | This is Egypt 2.0, where puppet regimes have become the favoured political poison under the guidance US-Western interests.
The Terror of Woolwich: Many more questions than answers.
Stuart J. Hooper | This could be one of the richest crimes scenes in history, or it’s flat as a pancake.
RT Op-Edge: Why Obama’s ‘red line’ in Syria has turned pink
RT Op-Edge | The chemical weapons crowd in Washington and London are now on very shaky ground indeed.
New Petition: Ensure Sec of State Clinton Testifies to Events 9/11/2012 in Benghazi, Libya
21WIRE Xtra | To all Senators, Congressmen and Governors of these United States…
Elite Intrigues and Military Purges: It’s Not About Sex, Stupid!
James Petras | This involves political intrigue at the highest level and has profound national security implications.
AMERICAN BEAUTY: Petraeus Affair Used to Cloud Obama’s Benghazigate
Patrick Henningsen | The former CIA head won’t be testifying in the upcoming Congressional hearings on Obama’s cock-up in Benghazi. Very convenient.
BLIND LEADING THE BLIND: ‘False Flag Energy’ and Syrian Regime Change
Andrew McKillop | The need for any kind of energy transported across Syria’s frontiers – either oil or gas – is zero in Europe.
Patrick Henningsen on RT: ‘Mohammed Film is a PR stunt designed to polarize cultures’
Patrick Henningsen | The so-called ‘clash of civilizations’ narrative has been bolstered due to this fake film stunt by US.
Henningsen on RT: Muslims vs Christians – ‘The perfect divide-and-rule scenario for globalists’
Patrick Henningsen | More chaos in Libya, what’s next?
LIBYA: Water Emerges as a Hidden Weapon
Simba Russeau | Libya’s enormous aquatic reserves could potentially become a new weapon of choice.
Patrick Henningsen | Moummar Qaddafi refused to sign-up to Washington’s takeover of Africa, and would pay the ultimate price.
LOL! Gates Admits US Troops To Remain In Iraq Beyond 2011
Steve Watson | The date for the final pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq keeps being pushed back.