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Hillary Clinton: ‘Quoting RT Plays Into Putin’s Hands’

21WIRE | Former secretary of state still thinks Russia is busy working to sow political division in America over Ukraine.

Henningsen: ‘Ukraine: The Clinton Grift is Back’

TNT Radio | Now that the Clintons are back in the chips, will Hillary make another play for the White House?

Henningsen: ‘Did the U.S. Just Downgrade Zelensky?’

TNT Radio | Washington now wants some accountability on the hundreds of billions sent into Kiev.

Fact Check: Nearly 100 Percent of Political Contributions From Fact Checkers Go to Democrats

21WIRE | We now have the receipts that the entire operation is completely partisan.

Mark Levin on Trump Fed Indictment: ‘Biden’s DOJ Interfering in 2024 Election’

21WIRE | Clearly, this is a partisan attempt to interfere in the 2024 US presidential election.

A Stark Warning If Washington’s Proxy War in Ukraine Continues

Tucker Carlson | How the US deep state’s Russiagate hoax convinced Americans to hate Russia and pave the road to WWIII.

US Midterm Update: GOP Late Surge, Desperate Dems Draft-in Obama and Hillary to Rescue Votes

21WIRE | Total insanity. Welcome to the 2022 midterms.

Democrats’ History of Election Meddling and ‘Denying’

21WIRE | Ironically, it’s the Democrats who have exhibited so-called ‘election-denying’ behavior over the decades.

Victor Davis Hanson: ‘FBI Should Be Broken Up’

21WIRE | One of America’s top historians warns of a federal agency gone rogue, now interfering in the country’s election outcomes.

Clinton Crime Inc: America’s Most Corrupt Political Family

21WIRE | A legendary trail of corruption left behind by America’s ‘most famously crooked couple.’

Sleepwalking Into Disaster: How US Establishment Lost Fear of Escalating Ukraine Crisis

21WIRE | Western censorship of Russian media outlets undermines western society and constitutional government.

Carlson: ‘Here’s Why the Democrats Are Taking Us to War With Russia’

21WIRE | Why are the Democrats, and their Neocon partners, so determined to fight Russia “down to the last Ukrainian”?

US Politicians Have Lost the Plot Over Ukraine

21WIRE | How is it that no one in Washington seems to realize they are baiting WWIII?

With the Clinton Brand Now Discredited, Is It Time to Reopen the Vince Foster Investigation?

Covert Action Magazine | A groundbreaking investigation into one of America’s most notorious political assassinations and its grave implications.

Why are Hillary and Trump Warning Against Bitcoin?

Glenn Greenwald | In-depth interview on the true nature of fiat money and cryptocurrencies.

UKC News: Boris Faux Partygate, Jussie Smollett Guilty, Hillary Still Wants White House

UK Column | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

Hillary: ‘Americans Just Don’t Appreciate What Joe Has Done for Them’

21WIRE | Some things never change – she’s still blaming it on the deplorables.

REVEALED: Facebook’s ‘Independent’ Fact-Checkers Are Political Partisans

Sky Australia | It’s possible that this partisan political censorship machine may have already damaged America’s democracy beyond repair.

GOP: ‘Media, Democrats Want Us Just to Shut Up and Move On’

21WIRE | Democrats and allied media continue to demand unqualified acceptance of a Biden’s presidency.

Biden Running ‘Worse Than Hillary’ Campaign in Key Swing State of Michigan

21WIRE | Filmmaker Michael Moore says it’s even worse than you think, and he’s not having any of it.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue