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‘How the West Destroyed Syria’ – Interview with Former British Ambassador to Syria

21WIRE | Explained: how the West and Israel engineered the collapse of Syria and a potential dark future for the Middle East.

‘Russia, China, Iran!’ – UK Police Set Up New ‘Counter-Espionage’ Unit

21WIRE | UK authorities claim that domestic threats from Russia and China are now ‘greater than during the Cold War’, and that domestic spying needs to be ramped-up.

Henningsen: ‘Is Britain Driving Escalation With Russia?’

TNT Radio | Why is the UK driving hostilities in Ukraine by provoking Russia?

Census: Christians Now Minority in England

21WIRE | Regardless, this development should be a point of serious consideration for both the UK’s religious and political leadership.

Economic Crash: Things Aren’t Looking Great for the UK

21WIRE | Why government’s abandonment of economic fundamentals has been absolutely fatal.

Hitchens: ‘It’s Not Possible to Stop a Second Scottish Referendum’

TalkRadio | The irony of Brexit is that it may have triggered the end of the United Kingdom.

Lord Sumption: Boris Johnson’s ‘Rule of Six is Pointless, Arbitrary and Unnecessary’

TalkRadio | “This one size fits all approach is deeply destructive.”

Episode #314 – ‘Welcome to the Granite State’ with guests Daniel Spaulding and Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Trump-Boris Trade Deal: The Brexit Endgame is Becoming Clear

Patrick Henningsen | US-UK bilateral trade deal will make Britain an economic outpost for US transnational corporate interests.

Does Britain Really Want to Start a War with Iran?

21WIRE + National Interest | The answer may have less to do with military capabilities, and more to do with the real objectives of Britain.

Henningsen: US, UK, Ecuador’s ‘Dirty Backroom Deals’ to Blame for Latest Threat to Assange

Patrick Henningsen | What’s going on behind the scenes between Washington DC, Westminster, Quito – and Belgravia.

Lawyers tasked with derailing internal Syrian peace process and the failure of ‘international justice’

John Laughland | The ruling on Myanmar and Bangladesh illustrates everything that is wrong with international justice.

UK COLUMN: BREXIT, Integrity Initiative, US Senate Yemen Resolution, ‘The World in 2019′ with guest Mark Anderson

UK Column News | UK Column co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with guest Mark Anderson present the early week news round-up…

US Senate Votes on Yemen as Brutal Proxy War Rages On

21WIRE | Will anything really change? Why now?

Head of British Army: ‘Russia is Far Greater Threat to UK than ISIS or al-Qaeda’

21WIRE | Any country that serves as a deterrent to the regime-change architects will be castigated.

Assange and Wikileaks Should Be Thanked – Not Smeared, Threatened or Censored

21WIRE + Mark Curtis | Once lauded, now vilified.

Britain Steps Up ‘Arctic Strategy’ vs. Russia, Sending 800 Troops to Norway

Antiwar.com | Britain has no natural claims this far north, but that isn’t stopping them from throwing troops at the region.

Episode #248 – ‘Novichok to Idlib: Poisoning the Truth’ with guests Piers Robinson, Vanessa Beeley and Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Voice of Reason: Professor Tells Sky News ‘More Evidence Needed’ in Skripal Case

21WIRE + Sky News | Professor Piers Robinson, a voice of reason, reiterates that ‘more evidence is needed’ before the British government’s Skripal claims can be legitimately stood up.

Global Network for Syria Statement on Impending US, UK, French Military Intervention in Syria

Global Network for Syria | Any military intervention without a mandate from the United Nations would be illegal.

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