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Is man-made CO2 really causing global warming and  if so, to what degree is it happening? Much of the modern 'climate change' movement relies on computing modelling being touted by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). How reliable is this data in terms of predicting what the future holds for our planet? This archive contains scores of articles and interviews which probe into this fundamental question.

The Future of Energy Transition: Decoding the Agenda at DAVOS 2025

21WIRE | The globalists and technocrats converge on the slopes of Davos to push their latest ‘compelling future’ for humanity.


SUNDAY SCREENING | The growing carbon offset market is under fire for ‘greenwashing.’

Kamala Admits Real Agenda: Pushing the Economy-Crushing ‘Green New Deal’

Zero Hedge | Harris reveals scam where globalists collect billions annually through carbon regulations, then they use that cash as leverage to pressure nations to adopt whatever policies they want. 

Climate Alarmists Baffled: ‘There Are No Hurricanes This Season, Our Climate Models No Longer Work’

21WIRE | The Western media continue to avoid any findings which don’t align with the narrative of man-made carbon dioxide driving ‘climate change.’

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Christopher Monckton – What GB Energy Means for British Economy

TNT Radio | The Labour Party’s new GB Energy company means zero for the British economy.

New Study Exposes ‘Global Warming’ Hoax

Frank Bergman | New Study Exposes ‘Global Warming’ Hoax.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Privatization Of Nature | New Environmental Markets (2014)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Examining the commercialization of conservation through environmental markets, where companies buy land to sell ‘nature credits,’ raising ethical and economic concerns.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Financialization of Water (2019)

SUNDAY SCREENING | The rise of ‘blue gold’ has triggered a frenzy of investments – which could jeopardizing water access going forward.

‘Madkind vs Mankind’ – A Race Against Time

Julian Rose | ‘The Great Reset’ is the appropriately named most recent clock-setting event initiated by ‘Madkind’.

INTERVIEW: Kristian James – ‘Amazon is Buying Wind Farms’

TNT Radio | Amazon is buying their own ‘green’ energy grid, is this part of a transnational monopolist trend?

INTERVIEW: Kristian James – ‘Net Zero’ Madness, US Sending A.I. Drones to Israel

TNT Radio | The ‘Net Zero’ agenda still doesn’t add up. Also, US firms are supplying new deadly AI drones to Israel.

An Expensive Fantasy: The Biden Admin’s EV Goals Exposed as ‘Green Fraud’

21WIRE | Now it seems that even the Biden Administration has finally relented to reality.

The Delusional Climate Countdown – A Holistic Appraisal of Real Climate Change

Julian Rose | The ultimate green epiphany: that the earth’s climate is always changing.

INTERVIEW: Kristian James -‘GB News Speech Cull + Net Zero Lunacy’

TNT Radio | Establishment now clamping down on GB News, and climate change mythology continues to drive the disastrous ‘Net Zero’ agenda.

Henningsen: ‘Climate Warrior Zelensky’

TNT Radio | Nobel laureate from Kiev claims that countries are disappearing underwater.

INTERVIEW: Kristian James – Net Zero U-Turn + ‘Online Harms’ Censorship

TNT Radio | UK PM Sunak is back-peddling on ‘Net Zero’ policies, while the government pushes ahead with its draconian ‘Online Harms’ legislation.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The Dimming’ (2021)

SUNDAY SCREENING | The Establishment claim that geoengineering is meant to ‘combat climate change’, but is that really the case?

How BlackRock’s ESG Agenda Triggered the Global Energy Crisis

F. William Engdahl | How this globalist agenda has severely damaged the global economy and pushed hundreds of millions into fuel poverty, literally over night.

Green Suicide: German Electricity Imports Hit New Record Highs After Nuclear Power Ban

21WIRE | How to describe the wilfull economic suicide of Europe’s once great economic powerhouse?

Domesday 2.0 – The CBDC Feudal World Order

Blake Lovewell | A global ‘Unified Ledger’ and the new worldwide Domesday Book.

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