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In the early 21st century, the domain and affairs of outer space has once again moved back into the central focus of earthly political and technological affairs. Our research archive contains a variety of articles and stories regarding space, its history and also new developments.

“Peace Through Strength”: A Gateway to War?

Freddie Ponton | Will 2025 see the return of diplomacy?

The Most Insane Weapon You Never Heard About

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell | It was a bomb that would destroy everything – not a weapon, but an apocalypse.

The Big Problem: What Happened When We Send Nukes Into Space

21WIRE | Revealed: the real reason why we stopped sending nukes into space.

SES and Intelsat Join Forces to Compete With Starlink

21WIRE | Will Starlink maintain its monopoly on satellite internet?

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine – ‘Exopolitics: Is UFO Whistleblower Legit?’

TNT Radio | Is the ‘UFO whistleblower’ in US Congress making bold claims about the existence of ET’s really credible? 

Utopian Madness

Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek | The goal is not to take us along with them. The goal is to dismantle us as we sit in our prisons, hypnotized by devices and drugs. It won’t work.

NATO: Attack in Space Could Trigger Article 5 Mutual Defense Clause

Defense News | Will the new space race trigger a multinational planetary conflict? 

Revealed: Plans for First ‘Sustainable City’ on Mars

21WIRE + Euro News | Plans for the first ‘Martian sustainable city’ are now ready, eligible to start circa 2050.

EP #8 – 21WIRE LIVE: ‘The New Space Race’ with Brian Berletic

21WIRE LIVE | Latest edition of our new talk and current affairs show.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Project Mercury’ (2020)

SUNDAY SCREENING | The most extensive and detailed vérité depiction of this groundbreaking phase of modern space exploration.

EXCLUSIVE: The Coming Space Race

Brian Berletic | The scale and importance of activity in space is growing rapidly, with ever-expanding rewards of the wealth, power and influence for its participants.

60 Year Mission: What We’ve Learned So Far About Mars

21WIRE + PBS | A trajectory of our learning curve of the habitat and origins of Mars.

The Problem with the US Space Force

Gunnar Ulson | The current path of US foreign policy ensures that its actual mission will drift far from its stated mission.

Gold, Goats & Guns Talks with Patrick Henningsen on Musk, Bezos and Space Force

Gold, Goats & Guns | The new space race, its key players and what it means in terms of national and geopolitics.

What Jeff Bezos Resignation as Amazon CEO is Really About

The New American | As we transition from an industrial economy to a post-industrial economy, the new robber barons are repositioning themselves.

China Accuses US of ‘Weaponizing’ Space, US Hits Back Blaming Russia & China

21WIRE + South Front | Trump’s move into space has already triggered a war of words back here on terra firma.

Trump Launches New US Space Command, With Vintage ‘Netscape-style’ Website

21WIRE + South Front | “We used to operate in a benign domain … Now we are operating in a contested domain.”

Indian Spacecraft Carrying Lunar Rover Enters Moon’s Orbit

21WIRE | Final frontier: India now set to join a very exclusive international club.

NASA Discovers New Nearby ‘Super-Earth’ Which Might Sustain Human Life

RT International | NASA researchers have come across a clutch of planets, some of which possess some of the conditions to sustain human life.

Crash and Burn: Israel’s Moon Shot Ends in Disaster.

21WIRE | The explosion that blew Israel’s fledgling satellite industry to pieces.

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