21WIRE | Former French President Sarkozy indicted for misappropriation of public funds, passive corruption, illegal campaign financing, and criminal conspiracy.
Tracking key political, economic, and military developments around one of Europe's most instrumental domestic and international state actors...
Former French President Sarkozy Back in Court for Illegal Campaign Financing From Libya
France Continues to Supply Arms to Israel, Contrary to Macron’s Statements
Iara Modarelli | Macron’s fluctuating stance on arming Israel after Netanyahu’s angry backlash reveals political pressure and ongoing military ties
INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Prof. David Miller – UK/France Trip To Israel: A “mise en scene”?
TNT Radio | UK and France’s diplomatic mission to Israel aims to break the cycle of violence between Israel and the Axis of Resistance deliberately excluding Hamas from the discussions.
INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – French Elections: What Just Happened?
TNT Radio | Why many were surprised by the results of the French Legislative elections.
INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – Inside The French Elections
TNT Radio | French Elections: seemingly unstoppable National Rally aiming for majority.
INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – Macron’s Snap Election: Clever Ploy or Desperate Gamble?
TNT Radio | Macron calls for snap election after crushing defeat in the European elections.
INTERVIEW: Mats Nilsson – ‘European Elections Are Not What You Think’
TNT Radio | Will the latest EU election results really change anything?
INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – Palestine Remembers Nakba Day + Russia Probes Kharkov
TNT Radio | The fight for Palestinian self determination continues.
INTERVIEW: Larry Johnson – NATO’s Dangerous Nuclear Gambit with Russia
TNT Radio | Are there any adults in charge in the West anymore?
INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – Iran vs Israel: Who’s Winning?
TNT Radio | Unpacking the aftermath following Israel’s bombing of the Iranian diplomatic complex in Damascus.
NATO Boss Jens Stoltenberg: Taken to Court for ‘Crimes Against Peace’
Freddie Ponton | NATO’s head technocrat Stoltenberg is finally taken to task for his endless lying on the world stage.
INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘Africa: A Senegal Coup?’
TNT Radio | Senegal: Institutional coup or electoral imperialism?
INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘French Farmers Siege Paris & EU’
TNT Radio | French farmers rise up to siege Paris amidst the global farmers protest across the European Union.
INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘French Farmers Rise Up Against Paris & EU’
TNT Radio | French farmers rise up to siege Paris amidst the global farmers protest across the European Union.
INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘French Mercenaries: From Ukraine to Gaza’
TNT Radio | French mercenaries being used by NATO in a disastrous proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.
INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – Can BRICS Really Work?
TNT Radio | Can BRICS neutralise the US dollar’s global hegemony and rebalance the global economic order?
INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘NATO Pushes Vaccines in Europe’
TNT Radio | NATO’s central role in the ‘plandemic’, and comments on the recent coup d’etat in Gabon.
INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘Africa Pushes Back Against Western Imperialism’
TNT Radio | Will Africa finally break free of Western imperialism?
AFRICOM: The Geopolitical Business of ‘Counter Insurgency’ in Sahel
Freddie Ponton | Has the US presence in Africa only brought increased terrorism and misery with it?
INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘The Problem with US AFRICOM’
TNT Radio | The USA’s attempted militarisation of the African continent has been exposed as a massive misadventure.