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Latest Presidential Election in Belarus – Fair or Unfair?

21WIRE | Recent elections in Belarus are being denounced as “fraudulent” by Western governments.

VIDEO: Washington’s Unstoppable Superweapon and How to Defend Against It

The New Atlas | More than any military incursion, Washington’s preferred weapon of choice is its fleet of ‘democracy’ NGOs.


SUNDAY SCREENING | Uncovering the story of the overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected leader in 1953 and Iran’s volatile relationship with America and Britain.

The ‘Persian Spring’ – How the Libyan and Syrian Script Played Out in Iran

Gavin O’Reilly | Once again, Iran has become the away pitch for another color revolution.

Study: More Germans Now Believe Russian Media on Ukraine, Energy Crisis

21WIRE | Recent study and survey of German population shows they no longer believe the West’s over-simplified western narrative about the causes of the war in Ukraine.

Has Washington Recruited Elon Musk’s SpaceX, Starlink for Iran Regime Change Ops?

Brian Berletic | It’s now clear that communication equipment is being used to execute the stated policy of US plans for regime change in Iran.

Media Lies Are Fueling a Phony Ukraine Narrative

Patrick Henningsen | How much more will Kiev have to lose before we say ‘that’s enough’?

Imran Khan Blows Whistle on US Regime Change in Pakistan

21WIRE | ‘Let the people of Pakistan decide who they want to elect.’

Ex-Marine Exposes Washington’s Covert Political Meddling in Asia

21WIRE | One of the best pundits exposing Washington’s regime change road show.

Imran Khan: ‘This is Western Regime Change in Pakistan’

21WIRE | Washington has denied any involvement.

NED: ‘The National Endowment for Attacking Democracy’

Jeremy Kuzmarov  | So-called ‘democracy’ org is used by Washington to influence elections and regime change in countries all over the world.

George Soros is Calling for Regime Change in China

RT International | The liberal financier singled out Xi Jinping as the greatest threat to the ‘open societies’ of the world.

CrossTalk: Ukraine as NATO’s Weapon + Biden Exporting ‘Woke Democracy’

CrossTalk | Host Peter Lavelle with editor Patrick Henningsen and author Dr Marcus Papadopoulos.

Muammar Gaddafi Interviewed Just Before NATO’s Attack on Libya

Journeyman Pictures | A rare interview from 2010, back when all seemed quiet on the regime change front.

Ten Years Ago Today: The Slaughter of Libya and Assassination of Gaddafi

Brasscheck TV | Looking back at the devastation which followed, and who is responsible. 

Middle East Report: Liberating Marib and Trouble for US, Israel in Erbil

Mideastream | An update on key developments regarding events in Yemen, Iran and Iraq. 

Pentagon Confirms 7 Colombians Arrested for Killing Haiti President Trained in US

Antiwar.com | Looking like yet another US assassination of a foreign leader.

Regime Change Inc Names New CEO: Warmonger Damon Wilson from Atlantic Council

Brian Berletic | This latest appointment signals Washington’s return to destabilisation operations in Middle East and Asia.

SUNDAY SCREENING: The Science of Spying (1965)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

US Hearings Reveal Washington’s Covert Support for ‘Color Revolutions’ Around the World

Anitwar.com | Latest admission confirms US was behind the recent violent protest movement in Hong Kong, and beyond.

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