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INTERVIEW: Tony Gosling – Bilderberg 2024: Guest List & Agenda

TNT Radio | Bilderberg meeting in Madrid, Spain, and the agenda for world domination.

INTERVIEW: Tony Gosling – Bilderberg 2024, Iranian Helicopter Mystery, Fico-GLADIO Event

TNT Radio | Reading between the lines with independent investigative journalist.

INTERVIEW: Simon Goddek & James Corbett – LIVE at the Better Way Conference

TNT Radio | Catching up with some of the top speakers, broadcasting live from the Better Way Conference in Bath, UK.

INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – Bilderberg, Microsoft & the CBDC Takeover

TNT Radio | Figuring out this year’s Bilderberg elite agenda and why CBDC’s could topple basic rights forever.

Davos: Swiss Government Gives Schwab 5,000 Troops to Protect Globalist VIPs

21WIRE | Soldiers will be authorized to ‘use coercive police measures to carry out their respective tasks.’

UKC News: Ukraine War Hits 100 Days, CDC Fiddling Their Mortality Figures

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

INTERVIEW: F. William Engdahl – Rockefeller’s Big Pharma & GMO Agenda

Patrick Henningsen | The global Big Pharma and GMO industrial complex has its roots in eugenics – funded by the Rockefeller dynasty.

Elite COVID Action: Now Comes the Davos ‘Great Reset’

F. William Engdahl | The great and the good of Davos have decided to use this crisis as an opportunity.

As Bilderberg Postpones 2020 Meeting, Former Governor Probed for Attending Elite Confab in 2018

Mark Anderson | The Atlanticist cartel announced it’s rescheduling this year, while one US attendee comes under scrutiny.

FLU WORLD ORDER: Trump Hires Thiel’s Palantir to Track Americans with Chinese-Style Surveillance App

21WIRE | These are the foundations of a new technocracy, anchored by a Chinese-style, digitally-driven system of medical martial law.

COVID-19 By Design: Ushering in Automation, A.I. and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Cory Morningstar | Make no mistake: the coronavirus crisis is the catalyst for an automated transnational corporate Brave New World. But where do humans fit in?

Question: What Exactly Are the Politics of Jeff Bezos?

Eric Zuesse | Society has a choice: either we get more of Big Brother, or an expanding democracy. Which side is Bezos on?

The Trilateral Commission: Helping Driving America’s Bankers Coup d’Etat

Matthew Ehret | Few are aware that it was under Jimmy Carter that the deep state, working on behalf of transnational corporations, took control of US foreign policy.

BILDERBERG 2018: Rear Guard Action by the Transatlantic Elite in Turin, Italy

Charlie Skelton | This year’s conference has been described as the ‘Super Bowl’ of corporate lobbying, where a selected globalist operatives are meeting in secret to discuss our future.

‘The Shroud of Turin’ Lifted: Bilderberg to Meet in Italy in June

Mark Anderson | Obscure Serbian government press release links Bilderberg to Davos.

Trump Springs the Neocon Trap Again: North Korea’s ‘Test’ is No Act of War

Patrick Henningsen | Here we go again: the Pentagon and the MSM are ramping-up another staged military ‘crisis’ with North Korea.

SUNDAY SCREENING: The Deep State: Hiding in Plain Sight (2014)

SUNDAY SCREENING | This powerful interview segment is a must-see in order to grasp the concept of the Deep State.

What is The Deep State?

Mike Lofgren | Defining the nature and scope of a corporatised, bureaucratic shadow state which rules America and the world, by stealth.

Bilderberg Waging a ‘War on Information’

21WIRE + Charlie Skelton | One of the items on the agenda this year is “the war on information”. Which side are they on?

BILDERBERG: What’s The Big Deal?

21WIRE + The Corbett Report | Why exactly is Bilderberg a problem?

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