Patrick Henningsen | More chaos in Libya, what’s next?
Henningsen on RT: Muslims vs Christians – ‘The perfect divide-and-rule scenario for globalists’
Filed Under: Middle East, Patrick Henningsen, Uncategorized Tagged With: Ambassador, benghazi, Christopher Steven, libya, Lynch, mob, Patrick Henningsen, RT, tripoli
RT | UK authorities in a panic after a week of ‘managed anarchy’ in London.
Filed Under: Uncategorized Tagged With: BBM, Blackberry messaging, BREAKING NEWS, Brixton, CCTV photos, Clapham, Curry, David Cameron, Effra Road, Enfield, Flash Mob, Footlocker, gangs, Google News, IPCC, London riots, looting, Mark Duggan, mob, Operation Tident, plastic bullets, police, riots, rubber bullets, social networks, SOuth London, T-Mobile, technology, Thatcher, tonight, Tottenham, twitter, UK, vandalism, violence, water canons, youths
Unfair To Blame Technology For Assisting U.K. Rioters, Say Experts
Tech Crunch | Clueless authorities rush to blame Blackberry mobile phones for the London Riots.
Filed Under: International News, Sci-Tech, Uncategorized Tagged With: 1985, 2011, 8, armed, arson, August, BBM, Blackberry messaging, Breaking, BREAKING NEWS, Brixton, CCTV photos, Clapham, Curry, David Cameron, Effra Road, Enfield, Flash Mob, footage, Footlocker, gangs, Google News, IPCC, leaflets, live, London riots, looting, Mark Duggan, mob, news, Operation Tident, police, riots, social networks, SOuth London, T-Mobile, technology, Thatcher, tonight, Tottenham, twitter, UK, vandalism, violence, youths
CNN’s Anderson Cooper activates ‘Operation Mockingbird’ in Egypt
Patrick Henningsen | The eventual result of CNN reporting will be a list of various agency objectives from the Anglo-American and Israeli Axis.
Filed Under: International News, Middle East, Patrick Henningsen, Uncategorized Tagged With: Anderson Cooper, Attack, CIA, CNN, Edward Bernays, Egypt, intelligence, Israeli, Media Cog, Middle East, mob, MSM Watch, Mubarek, Operation Mockingbird, propaganda, US