21st Century Wire is News for the Waking Generation™. Founded in 2009, we are a North American and Europe-based, grass-roots, independent hyper-blog offering bold commentary, news, views, analysis, as well as thought-provoking curated content from around the web. This site houses over 10,000 articles, videos and documents covering a very wide range of topics and viewpoints. We work with an at-large team of writers, researchers, and a wide array of volunteer contributors who provide a diverse range of perspectives and opinions from around the world. 21st Century Wire contributors have appeared internationally on TV, radio and in print, and include persons with both Masters and PhD level academic qualifications, and many who have appeared as speakers at international conferences and symposiums.
Please use the links and information below to learn about 21st Century Wire (21WIRE), our team, mission, editorial policy and more…
21WIRE TEAM – Meet The Muckrakers

Julian Rose
Read more from Julian here.
Visit Julian’s website

Peter Ford
Special Contributor
Read more about Peter Ford here.
Peter Ford’s posts

Blake Lovewell
Special Contributor
Read more from Blake here.

MISSION – Why We Do What We Do
21st Century Wire serves a niche audience which we firmly believe is not being catered for by the wider western corporate and state-funded media market. After over a decade of interacting and consulting with our learning community, we are keenly aware that they are much more inquisitive than traditional legacy media readers, and more aligned with independent content creators, as opposed to mainstream ones. Hence, we know that our audience expects this website to challenge the prevailing narrative and mainstream orthodoxy. Aside from the independent media remit, our number one intention here is to push the envelope and get the reader thinking, talking and hopefully inspire them to take on a more active role themselves, perhaps by creating their own website or information portal on social media. This may be by using free blog software, creating your own podcast, Youtube channel, or just by utilizing social networks like Facebook or Twitter and others. We actively encourage this.
We oppose internet censorship and regulation in all its forms, especially through opaque regimes of control, run by elite committees comprised of ‘experts’ drawn from the Silicon Valley, corporate media, foundation and government-affiliated persons. We believe that such efforts are highly politicized and employ narrow subjective methods of regulation designed to target and silence independent media, while allowing mainstream corporate media to produce ever increasing amounts of fake news and propaganda. Such measures can only lead to a restriction of free speech and expression at a time in history when those freedoms are more important than ever to preserve. Censorship and regulation also interfere in the marketplace of ideas and deprive readers and members of the public to make up their own mind and conduct their own research based on the merits of the information and not on the arbitrary criticism and smears being applied by corporate or state-funded gatekeepers.
The purpose of our website is to educate, promote learning on geopolitical and social issues, as well as provide much-needed independent commentary, news reporting, including criticisms and critiques of larger corporate and foundation-funded media outlets and their coverage of global events. We also aim to deliver a consistent stream of independent research on subjects and views that are generally not covered in the corporate-owned and foundation-funded media spheres. In this way, we are helping to re-balance the discourse by giving a platform to alternative views and narratives which are largely absent from the corporate mainstream media and state-affiliated media outlets.
Besides demonstrating freedom of speech and thought, one of the main intentions of 21st Century Wire is to empower readers by giving them the tools to decode mainstream propaganda. Inspired by long-standing independent news and commentary oulets like the UK Column and OpEd News and others, we try and offer a historical perspective on contemporary issues and where possible, provide strategic reference links throughout our content allowing you, the reader, to delve deeper into the issues if you so choose…
The 21st Century is the beginning of a new information epoch and you, the reader, are the freshman class of free and critical thinkers in a new and dynamic information age. The internet is only a few decades old, and so it is still in its infancy, it is still forming and developing. In its totality, there is an immense volume of information to be had on the Internet but we truly believe that within a decentralised, grassroots and egalitarian World Wide Web, the cream will eventually rise to the top but this can only be achieved by keeping this internet ‘neutral’ and free from excessive government and corporate control.
In spite of the Internet Revolution, the corporate Mainstream Media (MSM) is still clinging to a predictable and monolithic format which it regularly uses to disseminate government, military and corporate disinformation, as well as outright lies and propaganda. This fact is the primary reason why the alternative media is increasingly its share of audiences attention every day. We believe the essence of a free Internet is really about choice, interaction, discourse, dialogue and debate – and not about being force-fed a narrow band of information and ‘consensus reality’ view points, constantly packaged and re-packaged by a few major media moguls and legacy news outlets. To realize the benefit of humankind’s opportunity in the 21st century, then you, the surfer of the information waves, cannot take information for granted. You must go out and dig to find the forum, the blog or the video that you are looking for. That’s why you are here right now – you are here because you are not getting your primary news and analysis from the likes of the New York Times, Washington Post, The Huffington Post, CNN, FOX NEWS or TIME Magazine. If you try explaining that one to an Ivory Tower full of Big Media execs, they simply won’t get it, as too few of them have really been able to grasp what has happened in the this space over the last 20 years, much less where the next decade is heading…
All articles and posts on this website refer to real and factual news content, as well as legitimate opinion and analysis, either in the form of original articles, and through our daily NEWS WIRE feed which includes a mix of curated or aggregated news, and editorial content. Every post or article contains source links and credits to either primary or secondary reference material. All claims made on this website can easily be cross-referenced online, or validated by individual journalist contributors. 21st Century Wire makes a concerted effort to check and verify any claims or information put forth by any of our writers or contributors. Any further queries can be addressed by contacting the editorial department (see contact below).
The editorial policy of 21st Century Wire is simple, and resides above partisan politics, political campaigns and the traditional Left vs Right ideological paradigm which we believe only serves to divide people who have more in common than not. 21st Century Wire regularly features opinion and analysis from a range of commentators – from authentic Liberal Left and Socialists, to Conservative Right, and both Libertarian and Constitutionalist perspectives. Rather than aligning our slate with any particular party or ideology, instead we strive to deliver content that addresses specific issues and trends, challenges the establishment’s orthodoxy on a range of issues, and most importantly – challenges state and corporate power, and deconstructs its architecture, as well as exposing the seeds of institutional corruption. In order to better educate and provide context to our readers, our posts include hyperlinks and excerpts from other authors and news sources online. We will also try to stay within that which can be proven, or at least corroborated by a range of credible sources, or by other rational and logical commentators.
Unlike most mainstream media outlets these days, we allow for open comments below each article. If readers object to any points made in the article, then we encourage them to comment or paste any relevant information below the article or video. By doing this, we allow readers to continue the discourse, contribute to subject by sharing their research or point of view, or air their objections or criticism to the article or video in question.
In summary, our remit is to identify, inform, highlight, explore, challenge, enlighten and report on problems and solutions that are facing people, society and the world. It’s a tall order for sure, but we promise to do our very best…
SUPPORT 21WIRE – Help Us Keep Doing What We Do
21WIRE reader and listener-driven support helps us keep doing the important work we do. You can also support us by subscribing and becoming a member at 21WIRE.TV. Or visit our online shop…
We want to increase reporting and analysis – and that’s where you come in. We rely on our readers’ support to help grow our investigative news coverage across the globe. To our loyal readers — please consider it, we’re just getting started. To our newest readers, we say welcome — donate when you are ready, but until then you can simply dig in and read our articles, and subscribe, share and engage with our growing community of loyal readers. Donations are accepted via PayPal, or by sending us some Bitcoin. Thank you!
CONTACT 21WIRE – Get In Touch With Us
We welcome your feedback and interest in what we’re doing. Please use the contacts below if you would like to get in touch with us.
For editorial queries, news tips and article submissions, please contact us at:
editor (at) 21stcenturywire (dot) com
For general and media queries, partnerships or sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at:
mail (at) 21wiremedia (dot) com
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 410654
Kansas City, MO