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Author Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, as well as a prolific writer, broadcaster and international activist. He is also author of the acclaimed title, ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’. Learn more about him and his work by visiting his website www.julianrose.info

The Will to Live or the Will to Die

Julian Rose | The revelation that our lives may have another dimension beyond the purely material and physical existence.

UK to Become Leading Global Test Bed for AI Enforcement

Julian Rose | UK elite plans for a new AI dystopia: ‘We are going to push main line AI into the veins of Britain.’

Rewriting the Script of Life

Julian Rose | A chance to lay lay the solid foundations of a spiritually guided new society.

An Increasingly Desperate Deep State – One Step Away from Checkmate?

Julian Rose | Fear not: although darkness abounds, the hour of our greatest victory is at hand.

Overcoming ‘Designer Chaos’ at a Critical Moment for the Human Race

Julian Rose | A difficult pill: we are either working every day for the emancipation of humanity, or we are supporting its agonising demise.

A.I. and the Mind Controlled Road to Hell

Julian Rose | The spectre of dystopian technology also offer us a unlikely chance to rediscover the true human dynamic.

Digitally Manipulated Humans and Medically Assisted Death – Set to Become a Flagship Policy of British NHS

Julian Rose | Every thinking individual must get to grips with this reality and link together in a united resistance to it.

Counteracting the Globalist Cult-Imposed Chaos

Julian Rose | The globalists’ anti-life power play can only be stopped by an awakened mankind – able and willing to fully connect with its heart and soul.

UK in Grip of Top Down Starvation Policy

Julian Rose | Red lights should be flashing for all those dependent upon the current disastrous food and farming policy.

Saved from Drowning: From a Virtual Existence to a Real Life

Julian Rose | Understanding the tragic dehumanising trajectory of ‘deep state’ induced life style choices.

The Role of Thought Power in the Cause and Effect Dynamics of Global Crisis

Julian Rose | Despite our setbacks, humanity has the capacity to set the pendulum swinging in the opposite direction.

‘Madkind vs Mankind’ – A Race Against Time

Julian Rose | ‘The Great Reset’ is the appropriately named most recent clock-setting event initiated by ‘Madkind’.

The Psychological Battle for Truth and Power of the Farmers Uprising

Julian Rose | A historic mobilization by those who form the foundation of the pyramid which hold society together.

UPDATE: Polish Farmers in Ongoing Fight for Their Existance

Julian Rose | Product dumping by Ukraine is placing the EU public and the Polish agriculture industry at grave risk.

AI is Starting to Scare People – And So It Should!

Julian Rose | The shocking truth is that AI has the unbridled power to DIVIDE humanity.

Take Note: ‘Whom the Gods Would Destroy They First Make Mad’

Julian Rose | Humanity has arrived at that inflection point now. What next?

Polish Farmers to Block Entire Border with Ukraine Including Transport Hubs, Rail Depots and Seaports

Julian Rose | Update on ‘No Green Deal’ National Strike by Polish farmers.

Europe Braces Itself: Polish Farmers Prepare to Join Global Protests This Week

Julian Rose | Polish farmer prepare to join the global protest against globalists’ attack on agricultural independence and real food security.

A Brutal Reality: Psychopaths Form Majority of Today’s World Leaders

Julian Rose | Like it or not, staring us in the face is a monster we have no way of hiding from.

This New Year Calls for a Bold New Vision for Mankind

Julian Rose | Can society adopt a vision capable of shifting daily life in a more positive direction for humanity?

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue