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Former French President Sarkozy Back in Court for Illegal Campaign Financing From Libya

21WIRE | Former French President Sarkozy indicted for misappropriation of public funds, passive corruption, illegal campaign financing, and criminal conspiracy.

Roy Casagranda: 100-year history of US meddling, coups and wars in the Middle East

21WIRE + UNAPOLOGETIC | Professor Roy Casagranda takes us on a journey through the last 100 years of Middle Eastern history.

War in Europe? The Russian Bear in East & Ukrainian Refugees in The West

Dr Can Erimtan | Just how much longer can the West’s pic gravy train in Ukraine carry on?

AFRICOM: The Geopolitical Business of ‘Counter Insurgency’ in Sahel

Freddie Ponton | Has the US presence in Africa only brought increased terrorism and misery with it?

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘The Problem with US AFRICOM’

TNT Radio | The USA’s attempted militarisation of the African continent has been exposed as a massive misadventure.

The ‘Persian Spring’ – How the Libyan and Syrian Script Played Out in Iran

Gavin O’Reilly | Once again, Iran has become the away pitch for another color revolution.

EU Wants Gas From Algeria, As Washington Plays Wicked Stepmother

Rachel Marsden | Unfortunately for Europe, Algiers has long maintained an officially nonaligned position, and isn’t too keen on throwing itself into the arms of the West.

Washington Has Conducted at Least 23 Secret Proxy Wars Since 2017

21WIRE | A secretive authority called ‘127e’ to launch at least two dozen proxy wars since 2017.

Yemen and Ukraine: A Tale of Two Wars

Fra Hughes | Two very distinct wars, both with their origins in people fighting to free themselves from corrupt government and foreign control.

UPDATE: Manchester Bomber Radicalized by NATO-trained Terrorist

RT International | New revelations reveal bomber was another known wolf with ties to NATO’s extremist foot soldiers.

Muammar Gaddafi Interviewed Just Before NATO’s Attack on Libya

Journeyman Pictures | A rare interview from 2010, back when all seemed quiet on the regime change front.

Ten Years Ago Today: The Slaughter of Libya and Assassination of Gaddafi

Brasscheck TV | Looking back at the devastation which followed, and who is responsible. 

Report: Hunter Biden Sought $2M in Libya Deal in 2015

21WIRE | It certainly would’ve been a nice payday for Biden & Sons Inc.

Myanmar’s Conflict: America’s Proxy War with China

Brian Berletic | The regime change machine is back – this time they want to “Build Back Better” in Myanmar in order to thwart China’s Belt & Road.

Dangerous Parallels: Myanmar, Libya, and Syria

Brian Berletic | The US promised its Arab Spring would spread like a virus to the doorsteps of Moscow, and Beijing.

Arab Spring Redux: Is Myanmar the Next Libya?

Brian Berletic | Is history repeating itself in Southeast Asia?

EP #1 – 21WIRE LIVE hosted by Patrick Henningsen with special guest Brian Berletic

21WIRE LIVE | Inaugural episode of our new livestreaming program.

Who is Susan Rice?

21WIRE | This is why Biden’s choice of VP running mate is so crucial.

Turkish Intervention in Libya – Has Ankara Split its Militants’ Ranks in Northern Syria?

Khaled Iskef | Time will tell whether this bold move will undermine Turkey’s lofty regional ambitions.

Is Erdogan Recycling Terrorists from Idlib, to a New Civil War in Libya?

21WIRE + Mideast Discourse | Bad news for Libya, as Turkey offers yet another lifeline to its al-Qaeda fighters.

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