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An Inconvenient Truth: Democrats Actively Promote a ‘Great Replacement’ Agenda

21WIRE | Chief among the believers of Democrats’ own ‘Great Replacement’ plan – is Joe Biden himself.

DHS Doxxing: US Wants Social Media Details of Foreign Visitors

INDUS NEWS | 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen joins a panel to discuss how this new US policy will affect international travel.

Blame Orange Man and the Trojan Caravan – Boiler Room EP #189

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore and the Boiler Room Social Rejects Gang are back! Get ready for a wild look into the news stories of the week with that special Boiler Room irreverence.

Kavanaugh Coverage & Airborne/Subterranean Cartel Invasion with Mark Anderson

Alternate Current Radio | Special report with Hesher and Mark Anderson. Mark continues his breakdown of border issues for a look at the realities of human & contraband trafficking and Mark covers the Kavanaugh hearing from Capital Hill.

The Purge – 2nd Civil War 101 – SCOTUS Hysteria – Land Rights – Boiler Room #172

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Max Fvnk$oul and Infidel Pharaoh talk SCOTUS Hysteria, Brexit, Trump v NATO, Turkey, Middle East Policy, weapons of mass migration, “rights” for robots dinosaurs and clones, Trump Pardoning the Hammond ranchers, abortion and more.

Pearson Sharp: ‘Liberal Hypocrisy on Zero-Tolerance’

Pearson Sharp | “If you were silent under Obama’s practices, you have no right to speak out now.”

Boiler Room EP #126 – Immigration Consternation

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Fvnk$oul and Infidel Pharaoh discuss DACA, potential amnesty deals and the reaction of Trump supporters, 9-11 and much more.

Boiler Room EP #125 – Live From the Swamp Train with FunkSoul, Randy J, Patrick Henningsen

Alternate Current Radio | Gate crashing the political conversation, a usual suspects flesh-out the worst and weirdest stories of the week, from Washington’s Syria debacle, to DACA immigration, weather modification and ‘disaster relief funds.’ What a mad world it is…

Armed US immigration Officers to Be Stationed in UK Airports

21WIRE + Daily Mail | The latest chapter in our Brave New World.

TRUMPDOM: The Curious World of Trump’s Foreign Policy Explained

Niraj Srivastava | Foreign policy in Trumpdom takes some dizzying turns, here we try to make sense of the maelstrom

BREXIT: Canadian Style Policy Encouraged to Avoid Disaster?

21WIRE + The Independent | Different regions must have powers to determine their own skills needs after the UK leaves the EU, experts tell the Lords.

Boiler Room #97 – Mermaids and Swamp Life

Alternate Current Radio | The Boiler gang is discussing the latest on Trump, immigration, cultural warfare, media psyops, virtual reality, brexit, trans humanism, Bundy Ranch trial and more.

‘No Real Drop’ in Net Migration – Claims New ‘Brexit Think Tank’

21WIRE + The Guardian | A new report has emerged from a thinktank suggesting that Brexit voters may not see the decline in immigration that they voted for.

Ben Stein Calls Out 9th Circuit Court: Committed a ‘Coup d’état’ Against the Constitution

21WIRE | UC Pepperdine Profession, Ben Stein, makes strong assessment of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals legal move putting a temporary halt on enforcement of President Trump’s Executive Order limiting travel.

Patrick Henningsen and Don DeBar Discuss Trump’s ‘Immigration Ban’ and the Media Reaction

Andrew Korybko | It’s going to be hard for the Trump Administration to shake the social media stigma that this is a “Muslim Ban.”

Swedish Cop’s Rant on Immigrant Crime: Champion of Honesty or Xenophobe?

21WIRE + Zero Hedge | Swedish Cop who posted rant on Facebook detailing violent crimes attributed to immigrants in a single work week is met with flowers by supporters and accusations of xenophobia by detractors.

The Court Case Against the ‘Travel Ban’ Executive Order

21WIRE + The Duran | Contrary to much media hype, the legal maneuvering in the court case over the ‘Travel Ban’ Executive Order is progressing through the legal system quite normally.

Uber, Google, Twitter, Netflix and Other Tech Giants File ‘Unlawful’ Immigration Retort Against Trump

21WIRE + WP | Silicon Valley amicus brief to be filed with U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.

Washington State Judge Issues Temporarily Block on Trump’s Immigration Ban Nationwide

21WIRE | New lawsuit seeks to permanently block parts of the executive order that suspend immigration from 7 “Muslim-majority” countries.

Trump Administration Faces Flood of Lawsuits Over Executive Immigration Ban

21WIRE + RT | Trump administration faces a flood of law suits by the ACLU and leftist Attorney Generals over Executive Order: Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the US.

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