Brasscheck TV | Looking back at the devastation which followed, and who is responsible.
Ten Years Ago Today: The Slaughter of Libya and Assassination of Gaddafi
‘Masked Men’ Vigilantes Fighting Crime in ‘Failed Libyan State’
Middle East Eye | Volunteers in Zuwara in Libya’s far west have been fighting crime in the city for five years to fill the post-revolution power vacuum.
Was Gaddafi Right About JFK?
21WIRE | His conclusion as shocking as it was orphic.
The “Arab Spring”: Seduction of the Delusional Imperialist Left
Donnchadh Mac an Ghoill | The Gaslighting project to “seduce” the anti-war movements and deluded Left
Hillary Clinton: Neocon War-Hawk in Waiting
Robert Parry | Hillary’s Neocon status confirmed as she is poised to pull the US to the brink of war with Russia
EXPOSED: Is The Deadly Refugee Crisis The West’s Fault?
21WIRE + CrossTalk | The chickens are coming home to roost.
NATO’s FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY: Gaddafi Son Tortured By New Libyan ‘Courts’
21WIRE + RT | Welcome to ‘liberated’ Libya, where the lunatics run the asylum.
CRISIS SOLUTION: How Greece Can Claim A ‘National Security’ Debt Write Off
Stuart J. Hooper | There is a little known precedent to write off debt for national security reasons. This is how Greece can do just that.
The Destruction of Libya: US-NATO Crime Against Humanity
21WIRE + Global Research | Before he was ousted and assassinated by NATO, Gaddafi’s Libya was considered as one of Africa’s most affluent countries.
ISIS Coin: ‘Islamic State’ Steal Gaddafi’s Plan to Mint a Gold Dinar
21WIRE + Jihad Watch | If only the West had backed Gaddafi – instead of backing ISIS, the world might be a safer place.
USAID: A CIA Front ‘In Desperate Need of Adult Supervision’
21WIRE | How reckless can a Federal agency and its contractors be?
Basil Valentine: ‘The Perils of Being Mr. Charles Glucksberg’
Basil Valentine | “Is there another family anywhere in the world whose members’ casual remarks can spark an international incident and yet whose status as un-sackable international celebrity politicians is due entirely to their hereditary birthright?”
Syrian Rebels are Simply Murdering Thugs Used for US and West to Oust Assad
Jason Liosatos | It’s time to call a spade a spade, even if the US and UK gov’ts are in denial.
Secret Britain: MPs revived corpse of ‘Secret Justice Bill’ undercover of Gay Marriage Vote
RELATED: Email and web use ‘to be monitored’ under new UK laws’ Vote on Bill took place at same time as gay marriage vote Bill could give power to cover-up details on events such as Hillsborough Legal system would be weighted in favour of the powerful David Rose Mail Online While all attention at Westminster was […]
Globalist Susan Rice Withdraws from Secretary of State Bid Over Opposition
21WIRE | She’s now in the same category as Tony Blair, George Bush and others who couldn’t manage to tell the truth.
So, How Many Syrian Terrorists Come from Libya?
Blacklisted News | The big secret: the Syrian ‘opposition’ is largely comprised of Al Qaeda terrorists, with many coming directly from Libya.
NATO WAR CRIMES: Gaddafi, son and dozens of loyalists executed by rebels
RT | The loyalists of the old regime have been abused and murdered – a crime endorsed by the NATO axis.
BLIND LEADING THE BLIND: ‘False Flag Energy’ and Syrian Regime Change
Andrew McKillop | The need for any kind of energy transported across Syria’s frontiers – either oil or gas – is zero in Europe.
21WIRE + RT | 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen explains what is really happening in Syria right now – and why still Libya matters.