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Ten Years Ago Today: The Slaughter of Libya and Assassination of Gaddafi

Brasscheck TV | Looking back at the devastation which followed, and who is responsible. 

‘Masked Men’ Vigilantes Fighting Crime in ‘Failed Libyan State’

Middle East Eye | Volunteers in Zuwara in Libya’s far west have been fighting crime in the city for five years to fill the post-revolution power vacuum.

Was Gaddafi Right About JFK?

21WIRE | His conclusion as shocking as it was orphic.

The “Arab Spring”: Seduction of the Delusional Imperialist Left

Donnchadh Mac an Ghoill | The Gaslighting project to “seduce” the anti-war movements and deluded Left

Hillary Clinton: Neocon War-Hawk in Waiting

Robert Parry | Hillary’s Neocon status confirmed as she is poised to pull the US to the brink of war with Russia

EXPOSED: Is The Deadly Refugee Crisis The West’s Fault?

21WIRE + CrossTalk | The chickens are coming home to roost.

NATO’s FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY: Gaddafi Son Tortured By New Libyan ‘Courts’

21WIRE + RT | Welcome to ‘liberated’ Libya, where the lunatics run the asylum.

CRISIS SOLUTION: How Greece Can Claim A ‘National Security’ Debt Write Off

Stuart J. Hooper | There is a little known precedent to write off debt for national security reasons. This is how Greece can do just that.

The Destruction of Libya: US-NATO Crime Against Humanity

21WIRE + Global Research | Before he was ousted and assassinated by NATO, Gaddafi’s Libya was considered as one of Africa’s most affluent countries.

ISIS Coin: ‘Islamic State’ Steal Gaddafi’s Plan to Mint a Gold Dinar

21WIRE + Jihad Watch | If only the West had backed Gaddafi – instead of backing ISIS, the world might be a safer place.

USAID: A CIA Front ‘In Desperate Need of Adult Supervision’

21WIRE | How reckless can a Federal agency and its contractors be?

Basil Valentine: ‘The Perils of Being Mr. Charles Glucksberg’

Basil Valentine | “Is there another family anywhere in the world whose members’ casual remarks can spark an international incident and yet whose status as un-sackable international celebrity politicians is due entirely to their hereditary birthright?”

Imperial Bombing: UK & US Set Stage to Strike Syria

21WIRE + The Telegraph | We are reminded of the true motivations of high ranking officials in both the UK and US.

Syrian Rebels are Simply Murdering Thugs Used for US and West to Oust Assad

Jason Liosatos | It’s time to call a spade a spade, even if the US and UK gov’ts are in denial.

Secret Britain: MPs revived corpse of ‘Secret Justice Bill’ undercover of Gay Marriage Vote

RELATED: Email and web use ‘to be monitored’ under new UK laws’ Vote on Bill took place at same time as gay marriage vote Bill could give power to cover-up details on events such as Hillsborough Legal system would be weighted in favour of the powerful David Rose Mail Online While all attention at Westminster was […]

Globalist Susan Rice Withdraws from Secretary of State Bid Over Opposition

21WIRE | She’s now in the same category as Tony Blair, George Bush and others who couldn’t manage to tell the truth.

So, How Many Syrian Terrorists Come from Libya?

Blacklisted News | The big secret: the Syrian ‘opposition’ is largely comprised of Al Qaeda terrorists, with many coming directly from Libya.

NATO WAR CRIMES: Gaddafi, son and dozens of loyalists executed by rebels

RT | The loyalists of the old regime have been abused and murdered – a crime endorsed by the NATO axis.

BLIND LEADING THE BLIND: ‘False Flag Energy’ and Syrian Regime Change

Andrew McKillop | The need for any kind of energy transported across Syria’s frontiers – either oil or gas – is zero in Europe.


21WIRE + RT | 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen explains what is really happening in Syria right now – and why still Libya matters.

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