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INTERVIEW: Dr. Piers Robinson – ‘The Propaganda Machine – From 9/11 to COVID’

SUNDAY WIRE | The familiar financial and political agendas being pushed for wars and pandemics.

German Newspaper Debunks Fake Ukrainian Story of ‘Russian Torture’

RT International | Another fake emotive piece of propaganda planted in the western media by the Ukrainian government is exposed as fake news.

UKC News: NATO’s Propaganda Machine + Western Sanctions as a Self-Inflicted Wound

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

War Mongering: ‘The America First Movement Has a Sean Hannity Problem’

Revolver | Fox News, the GOP are reverting back to their dark roles played in the run-up to the Iraq War.

UK Government to Phase Out BBC TV License Extortion Racket by 2027

21WIRE | Despite this latest move, their viewing figures will continue to plummet towards irrelevance. 

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Manufacturing Consent” (1992)

SUNDAY SCREENING | An in-depth study into how western propaganda became so effective, and so profitable.

Willing Accomplices: Western Media Support for CIA Coup in Bolivia

Stephen Lendman | CIA tradition endures, using its paid media gatekeepers to manage and propagate the official narrative – and suppress truth wherever they may appear.

Extra Time: How Spooks Control MSM Reporting

21WIRE.TV | A special bonus segment for our members.

Question: What Exactly Are the Politics of Jeff Bezos?

Eric Zuesse | Society has a choice: either we get more of Big Brother, or an expanding democracy. Which side is Bezos on?

Why Has the Guardian Declared War on Assange and WikiLeaks?

21WIRE | If you haven’t already, it really is time to Dump the Guardian and support independent media instead.

Russiagate Farce: FBI Brings CNN Camera Crew to Film 3am Arrest of Roger Stone

21WIRE | Many believe the arrest is a last desperate attempt by Mueller to salvage any credibility from an investigation which has taken 2.5 years and cost $30 million – but has produced no evidence.

When Did Democrats Become the Party of Bill Kristol and Neocon Hacks?

21WIRE | Don’t look now, but it seems that the Democratic Party is now the party which leads in the promotion of war and global instability.

Former New York Times Editor Accuses Paper of Running a Biased Anti-Trump News Agenda

21WIRE + Daily Caller | As the Russiagate fiction begins to collapse, a gradual civil war is beginning to brew among certain corners of the Establishment mainstream media.

NATO’s Clandestine Bureau: UK ‘Integrity Initiative’ Spreading Anti-Russian Propaganda

21WIRE | British government has funded a “large-scale information secret service” stretching from the EU, to the US and Canada.

(VIDEO) From Cooper, to Cuomo, to Lemon: CNN Top 5 Fails

21WIRE | Chronicling the media antics of CNN, the undisputed world champion in the fake news sweepstakes.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Operation Hollywood (2004)

SUNDAY SCREENING | REVEALED: The cozy relationship between the big entertainment studios and the military industrial complex.

REALLY FAKE NEWS: New York Times Finally Retracts Its ’17 Intelligence Agencies’ Claim on Russia Hacking US Elections

Robert Parry | The New York Times is responsible for the foundational lie which underpins the US establishment’s ‘Russian Hacking’ hoax.

The 2017 Horace Greeley Award for Best Fake News Journalist

21WIRE | This year’s incredible line-up of MSM fake news All-Stars.

MARCH MADNESS: ‘Fake News Final Four’ Starts This Week

21WIRE SHOUT! | Who will win the crown of undisputed #FakeNews champion? Vote and have your SHOUT!

MOCKINGBIRD MIRROR: Declassified Docs Depict Deeper Link Between the CIA and American Media

21WIRE + Washington’s Blog | The influence of US intelligence agencies on mainstream news outlets continues to be unmasked.

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