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INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘Africa Pushes Back Against Western Imperialism’

TNT Radio | Will Africa finally break free of Western imperialism?

AFRICOM: The Geopolitical Business of ‘Counter Insurgency’ in Sahel

Freddie Ponton | Has the US presence in Africa only brought increased terrorism and misery with it?

Battlefield Libya and the Fruits of US-NATO Regime Change

Tony Cartalucci | Libya’s current status as a failed, warring state is owed entirely to the US-led NATO intervention in 2011.

US Building New Drone Base in Niger, ‘Decimated Anti-War Left’ Looks On

21WIRE | The #Resistance in America no longer cares about US imperialism and killing overseas. The silence is deafening.

SHAKE & BAKE: 2018 Trends and Predictions from 21WIRE

SPECIAL REPORT | Region by region, we’re looking ahead to the next year. Here’s what to look out for…

Thomas Sankara: Africa’s Unsung Inspiration

P.D. Lawton | Undoubtedly, this man was a visionary, as much as he was a revolutionary – and his story has been erased from western mainstream media and history books.

A Western Journalist Killed in South Sudan – What Really Happened?

P.D. Lawton | Unfortunately for the multitude of well-meaning people worldwide fighting for “human rights” in Africa is really not what it appears to be.

Bringing NATO’s Demonic ‘Democracy’ to Libya & Syria: Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer | The larger agenda behind NATO’s proxy wars in Libya and Syria and the Anglo-American imperial strategy to destabilize nations.

EgyptAir Flight MS804 – What The Media Won’t Tell You

Shawn Helton | There are serious questions surrounding EgyptAir Flight MS804.

How to Steal from Africa – Of Course, It’s All Perfectly Legal

Alex de Waal | The answer to where the money goes lies in accountants’ alchemy.

‘Laptop Bomb’ Explodes at Airport in Somalia

21WIRE + CBS | Which new ‘security measure’ will they be calling for after this one?

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘AFRICOM Go Home: Foreign Bases Out of Africa’

SUNDAY SCREENING | Every Sunday we curate a documentary film for 21WIRE audiences.

US AFRICOM Absorbs Rwanda, Makes Military Partner Kagame ‘President for Life’

Charles Kambanda | Each president that grabs power declares himself the only Rwandan capable of ruling.

US EMPIRE: Yemen and The Militarization of Strategic Waterways

Michel Chossudovsky | Capturing Yemen will complete Washington’s imperial puzzle in the region.

US, Saudis Target Internet Access in Yemen

21WIRE + The Switch | The Internet has become a powerful tool for journalists documenting conflicts and civilians to get facts on the ground – and that’s why the US and Saudi are targeting it.

Somalia’s Al Shabaab Helped By Western Destruction of Libya

Robert Barsocchini | The instability created by the US in Libya has helped maintain Somalia as a failed state.

The Destruction of Libya: US-NATO Crime Against Humanity

21WIRE + Global Research | Before he was ousted and assassinated by NATO, Gaddafi’s Libya was considered as one of Africa’s most affluent countries.

GAME CHANGERS: 2015 Predictions and Trends from 21WIRE

21WIRE FEATURE | Looking ahead at your Brave New World in 2015….

Citizenship Revoked, Beaten and Threatened With Sexual Abuse – For Refusing to Spy

21WIRE | MI5 who told him that his ‘suspect status’ would be cleared if agreed to be a snitch.

EBOLA HOAX EXPOSED: The Reality Behind America’s Dreadful Campaign Of Fear

Shawn Helton | Ebola is on the back-burner for now, but the idea of a pandemic is subliminally dialed into your psyche.

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