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‘How the West Destroyed Syria’ – Interview with Former British Ambassador to Syria

21WIRE | Explained: how the West and Israel engineered the collapse of Syria and a potential dark future for the Middle East.

On the Eve of October 7th, Spanish MEPs Demand an Immediate End to Israel’s Genocide in Gaza

Iara Modarelli | Thousands of people in Barcelona protest Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza and escalating violence in Lebanon – now demanding an end to arms trade and diplomatic ties with Israel.

INTERVIEW: Dr. Mohammad Marandi – ‘Iran and The New Middle East’

SUNDAY WIRE | The position of the “Axis of Resistance” and the formation of a New Middle East.

INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – ‘How Elites Profit from Wars & Calamities’

TNT Radio | As the wars increase, western defense stocks keep going up. 

INTERVIEW: Ilay Aksoy – ‘Middle East reacts to Israel’s Attack on Gaza’

TNT Radio | Arabs and Muslims unite across the world in opposition to Israel’s ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.

INTERVIEW: Dr. Piers Robinson – What Really Happened in Douma?

TNT Radio | Unpacking the truth about the OPCW’s controversial investigation into the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘NATO is Collapsing From Within’

TNT Radio | Ukraine’s failed ‘counter offensive’ and NATO’s weapon trafficking business being run through Ukraine.

INTERVIEW: Fra Hughes – Peace in Peril After Israeli Settlers Burn West Bank Village

TNT Radio | Hundreds of Illegal Israeli settlers attack a West Bank village, burning homes and businesses to the ground.

INTERVIEW: Matthew Lee – SDNY Court Update: US Homegrown Terror Docket

TNT Radio | A closer look into the rise of federal terrorism cases landing in the SDNY federal court.

CrossTalk: Falling US Fortunes in Middle East, YouTube’s Global Censorship Farm

CrossTalk | Host Peter Lavelle with 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen and author George Szamuely.

US Isolation of Iran and a Regional War Nobody Wants [Part II]

Hossein Askari | To Iranians, America is a bully that has broken its word and threatens its security. Increased sanctions and a potential war will only harden their resolve.

Why Are US-Iran Relations So Tainted? [Part I]

Hossein Askari | The relationship between the US and Iran is haunted by past grievances. A new beginning is needed.

The Purge – 2nd Civil War 101 – SCOTUS Hysteria – Land Rights – Boiler Room #172

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Max Fvnk$oul and Infidel Pharaoh talk SCOTUS Hysteria, Brexit, Trump v NATO, Turkey, Middle East Policy, weapons of mass migration, “rights” for robots dinosaurs and clones, Trump Pardoning the Hammond ranchers, abortion and more.

CIA Operative Admits Deep State Globalist Control – The Game of Nations

Jay Dyer | “We utilize terrorism, but conceal this from Americans.” -CIA Operative Miles Copeland

Syria’s Victory is a Severe Blow to the Global Extremism Project

Alastair Crooke | Syria has successfully derailed the US ISIS project

Gulf Monarchies Sacrifice Neighbor Qatar as “Sponsor of Terrorism”

21WIRE | Qatar has been singled-out, scapegoated and exiled from the community of Gulf Monarchies.

Syria And North Korea – Different Ball Games, Different Strategy

21WIRE + The Duran | Is President Donald Trump biting off more than he can chew with his current moves on the chessboard.

Mosul Refugees on Surviving ISIS & US-led Airstrikes: “Deep injustice”

21WIRE + RT | Over 50,000 civilians have been displaced from Mosul. Reports from survivors and refugees tell RT that surviving both IS and the US-led coalition air strikes is a ‘deep injustice.’

Suicide Bombers of the Galaxy: Puzzling Subtext of “Star Wars Rogue One”

Branko Malić | “Star Wars: Rogue One” is a puzzling film. Namely, it is a straightforward, emotionally laden war movie with an unspoken yet clear message: a praise of suicide. (SPOILERS APLENTY)

No Credibility in Barrage of “Final Message” Social Media Posts From East Aleppo

21WIRE + RT | ‘In the Now’ found there’s little to indicate that the people appearing in the mobile videos were actual civilians experiencing the hyped ‘Russian and Syrian shelling’.

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