Daniel McAdams | In the end, Haley is no different than a Himmler or any of the Nazi butchers.
Neocon Nikki Signs Israeli Bombs Urging Israel to Kill Palestinian Civilians
Trump Defies the Hawks, Backs Off Attacking Iran – But for How Long?
Patrick Henningsen | Trump may have won a temporary reprieve, but do not expect the hawks to stop circling over the Persian Gulf.
Rogue Foreign Policy: ‘From Nazis to Neocons’
21WIRE | Understanding why the U.S. acts with impunity and eschews international law and due process.
Episode #266 – ‘Groundhog Politics’ guests Teodrose Fikre, Vanessa Beeley
SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
FILM REVIEW: ‘VICE’ Underplays the Evil of Dick Cheney, Neocons
21WIRE + RNN | Just how real is the depiction of the Dick Cheney and his role in America’s imperial largess?
Ron Paul: Trump’s Neocons Reverse His Syria Withdrawal Plan
Dr. Ron Paul | President Trump’s statement on the troop pull-out is looking more like empty words, rather than US policy.
Unveiled: The Arrogance of John Bolton, The War Hawk in Trump’s Ear
21WIRE | Interview reveals Bolton’s patronizing and condescending elitist attitude, and casual approach to war.
Lest We Forget: ‘Independent’ Mueller is Part of Establishment That Helped Sell Iraq War
21WIRE + TYT News | Mueller has clear ties to the establishment, and his seemingly universal praise is cause for concern.
Why Has Donald Trump Abandoned the Foreign Policy That Won Him the Election?
21WIRE + The National Interest | President Trump is drifting further into Neoconservative land, and very soon there will be no turning back.
NEOCON FILES: The Kagans Are Back – Wars to Follow
Robert Parry | With new wars like Syria on the horizon, the Family Kagan are flexing their muscles, with plans to make lots of money.
Henningsen on CrossTalk: American Foreign Policy ‘Dumbed Down’
CrossTalk | Realistically, just how important is foreign policy in the minds of American voters come November?
Would a Hillary Clinton Presidency Mean More Wars?
Robert Parry | In 2016, the “safe choice” will be the unleashing of more wars – business as usual.
Fear and Loathing in Washington, Death and Destruction in Ukraine
21WIRE + Letters From Globistan + RT | Kiev will be using these US-supplied arms against its own people – a war crime by anyone’s definition.
A Guide to Washington’s Covert Agenda in the Ukraine
Robert Parry – Consortium News | Washington is hoping for a potential showdown between nuclear-armed Russia and the United States on Russia’s border.
Scarlet Letter: Foreign Money Drives Republican Senators’ Push for World War III
21WIRE + Global Research | Tom Cotton has proven early just how low he is willing to go for money and power.
Neocon Media Rant: How ‘Awesome’ is America?
Robert Parry | Fox News is the poster child of an infantile, anti-intellectualism which is sweeping America.
John Bolton: As Ignorant As He Is Dangerous
21WIRE | Bolton is one of the key hatchet men whose job it is to make those wars happen.
It’s Official: U.S. Declares War on Russia (Step One)
21WIRE + RT | With America still under the trance of Ferguson, Congress sneaks through its final step before war.
Exposed Neocon tool Liz Wahl embarks on rear-guard PR defense tour
21WIRE | Liz Wahl does what any loyal corporate journalist or politician always does – attempting to re-write history.
No Act of Conscience: Liz Wahl RT ‘Resignation’ Was Planned Neocon Think Tank PR Stunt
21WIRE + RT | She managed to fool the world – but only for two weeks. Here’s the real story of Liz Wahl’s dramatic resignation from RT…