21WIRE | It’s now clear that the US benefited from the attack due to its position as a supplier of liquefied natural gas to Europe.
The EU’s Gas ‘Price Cap’ Threatens to Worsen the Energy Crisis
21WIRE | As a result of directionless thinking by western leaders, more damage is about to be done to European and UK energy consumers.
Switzerland Considers Electric Vehicle Ban To Avoid Blackouts
21WIRE | Think of it as a giant IQ test for modern man.
SUNDAY SCREENING: Debunking Weather Event Alarmism (2022)
SUNDAY SCREENING | It turns out that debunking the craziness is a lot simpler than most people think.
Democrat Senator Slams Biden Over Pledge to Ban Coal
21WIRE + AP | Despite skyrocketing energy costs, fuel shortages and spiraling inflation, Biden is still issuing threats to oil, gas and coal industries in pursuit of a radical ‘green’ agenda.
IEA: EU Gas Crisis May Worsen in 2023
21WIRE | Agency is warning that Europe must take immediate action to avoid a crippling natural gas shortage next year.
EU Wants Gas From Algeria, As Washington Plays Wicked Stepmother
Rachel Marsden | Unfortunately for Europe, Algiers has long maintained an officially nonaligned position, and isn’t too keen on throwing itself into the arms of the West.
Gas Wars: Israel Announces Maritime Borders Deal with Lebanon, But Doubts Remain
21WIRE | Lebanese officials indicated they would approve the agreement, but many obstacles still remain.
Climate Hustle Fail: China’s Coal Power Boom
21WIRE + WSJ | Beijing is building more coal-fired capacity than the rest of the world combined, U.S. climate lectures notwithstanding.
INTERVIEW: Dr Jerome Corsi with the Truth on Energy and Climate Change
TNT Radio | Challenging the fundamental pillars of the IPCC’s climate orthodoxy.
UKC News: King Charles, EU Energy Rationing, MSM Uyghur Mythology
UKC News | Mike Robinson, Patrick Henningsen, Alex Thomson and Vanessa Beeley with the end of week news round-up.
City Experts: $2 Trillion Surge in Europe Energy Bills by 2023
21WIRE | Despite all this, G7 governments still have no actual solutions to systemic price gouging by energy marketeers and retail power firms.
Russian Oil and Gas Revenues Surplus – More Than Triple to $167 billion
21WIRE | Russia’s current-account surplus so far in 2022 is more than triple what it was a year ago.
‘They’re Going to Starve Us and Freeze Us to Death’
Dr. Vernon Coleman | UK government policies have plunged millions into fuel poverty. What next?
The Age of Stupid: How Western Politicians Created Their Own Economic Disaster
UnHerd | Breaking down the West’s self-made economic meltdown.
British MSM: ‘Help Beat Putin By Taking Cold Showers’
21WIRE | As the West continues to suffer from debilitating inflation, the need for a scapegoat will only grow.
Deutsche Bank Admits EU Will Need ‘Eco-Dictatorship’ to Implement Green New Deal
21WIRE + GWPF | In order to achieve carbon neutral by 2050, Europe’s economy and entire political and legal systems will have to be fundamentally altered.
Achtung Baby! (It’s Cold Outside) – Germany’s ‘Green’ Energy Fail Rescued by Coal and Gas
21WIRE | Seems that solar and wind aren’t up to the task this winter.
Report: Iranian Supertanker ‘Honey’ Loading Venezuelan ‘Top Grade Exportable Crude’
Antiwar.com | In defiance of US threats, this would be a huge relief for Venezuela.