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‘Climate Crazies’ hope to piggy-back on Occupy London OLSX this weekend

Patrick Henningsen | Occupy is up and running, and the climate nuts are hoping to take it over.

NATO PR David Cameron at UN Promoting More ‘Humanitarian Interventions’

Patrick Henningsen | David Cameron running around Manhattan trying to promote this template for a criminal enterprise.

Before Gaddafi is Deposed, UN Draws Up Plans to Occupy Libya

Inner City Press | The reality is that most UN plans don’t survive contact with the people they propose to help.


Patrick Henningsen | Who killed the electric car? Look who’s killing it now…

LIBYA BOMBSHELL: Obama Overruled Two Top Lawyers, Who Told Him War Must Be Terminated

By Joe Weisenthal Business Insider June 18, 2011 This week several members of Congress challenged Obama on the legality of the Libya war, given that actions have exceeded the 90 day period during which The White House doesn’t need Congressional authority for military action under the War Powers Act. The White House response: We don’t need […]

The “Rape in Libya” Story – Our Military’s Latest Fairytale

By Peter Dale Scott June 17, 2011  It is a troubled time for NATO’s campaign against Libya. President Obama has seen a near-revolt in Congress against the costly war, while Defense Secretary Gates in Brussels has warned his European allies that their tepid response “is putting the Libya mission and the alliance’s very future at […]

US Naval, Troop Movements to N. Africa, Middle East as Syrian Destabilization Escalates

Webster Tarpley | The US are gearing up for a major confrontation with Syria.

After Libya: NATO Can and Will Target Any Head of State

RT | Libya should be a wake-up call to all nation states: NATO can target you too.

RT INTERVIEW WITH PATRICK HENNINGSEN: “Libya has become a nation building circus”

Patrick Henningsen | “This operation is about making Libya fold into the globalist umbrella.”

Libya says NATO raids killed 718 civilians (so far)

AFP | NATO: “The Gaddafi regime is finished, he must leave office, he must leave the country”.

Welcome to the Violent World of Mr. Hopey Changey

John Pilger | The NWO installed Obama so that the cynical and the credulous can celebrate state violence in its more palatable form.

Anatomy of a Murder: How NATO Assassinated Qaddafi Family Members

Cynthia McKinney | How many times must a parent bury a child?


Patrick Henningsen | We are now in the early stages of what appears to be a global escalation phase and it is anyone’s guess how this chess game will unfold.

LOL! Gates Admits US Troops To Remain In Iraq Beyond 2011

Steve Watson | The date for the final pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq keeps being pushed back.

In Your Face: CNN Segment on Libya Entitled “New World Order”

Kurt Nimmo | Usual NWO suspects argue about six and one half dozen of the other, aka “regime change”.

Nobel Committee Asked To Strip Obama Of Peace Prize

Digital Journal | How did Obama get the prize in the first place?

Libyan “Rebel Council” Forms Oil Company to Replace Qaddafi’s

Bloomberg Financial | Money talks. Libyan rebels in Benghazi said they have created a new national oil company.

WOW: That Was Fast! Libyan Rebels Have Already Established New Central Bank Of Libya

The Economic Collapse | What a skilled bunch of rebels – they can fight a war during the day and draw up a new central bank and a new national oil company at night.

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