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Browse over 700 articles and video in 21WIRE's science and technology archives...

UK to Become Leading Global Test Bed for AI Enforcement

Julian Rose | UK elite plans for a new AI dystopia: ‘We are going to push main line AI into the veins of Britain.’

EXPLAINED: The True Speed of Modern Nuclear Weapons

Science Time | The mind-blowing, true speed of the new range of terrifying weapons of mass destruction.

The Most Insane Weapon You Never Heard About

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell | It was a bomb that would destroy everything – not a weapon, but an apocalypse.

The War on Humanity – A Deliberate Restriction of Consciousness

Julian Rose | Perhaps real spirituality is about demolishing ego, not re-enforcing it. This may end up being the lesson of our age.

The Big Problem: What Happened When We Send Nukes Into Space

21WIRE | Revealed: the real reason why we stopped sending nukes into space.

VIDEO: The True Scale Of Modern Nuclear Weapons

Science Time | Explained: in nuclear war, there are no winners—only devastating loss for humanity.

A.I. and the Mind Controlled Road to Hell

Julian Rose | The spectre of dystopian technology also offer us a unlikely chance to rediscover the true human dynamic.

Digitally Manipulated Humans and Medically Assisted Death – Set to Become a Flagship Policy of British NHS

Julian Rose | Every thinking individual must get to grips with this reality and link together in a united resistance to it.

Kamala Admits Real Agenda: Pushing the Economy-Crushing ‘Green New Deal’

Zero Hedge | Harris reveals scam where globalists collect billions annually through carbon regulations, then they use that cash as leverage to pressure nations to adopt whatever policies they want. 

Climate Alarmists Baffled: ‘There Are No Hurricanes This Season, Our Climate Models No Longer Work’

21WIRE | The Western media continue to avoid any findings which don’t align with the narrative of man-made carbon dioxide driving ‘climate change.’

VIDEO: The Truth About ‘Contagion’

Dr Sam Bailey | The original meanings of ‘contagion’ and ‘infection’ have been changed to support the emergence of a Medical-Pharma Industrial Complex.

Deceptive AI is Threat to Humanity

21WIRE | Don’t look now, but the genie is already out of the bottle.

VIDEO: Rand Paul, Fauci and ‘Lab Leak’ Science Fiction

Dr Sam Bailey | Fruitless theatrical performances about ‘gain of function’ have done nothing but advance the false premise that there was a novel coronavirus on the loose.

CHIPS Act: Did the US Microchip Industry Just Commit Suicide?

Cyrus Janssen | Did the Biden Administration get it completely wrong with the CHIPS Act?

Counteracting the Globalist Cult-Imposed Chaos

Julian Rose | The globalists’ anti-life power play can only be stopped by an awakened mankind – able and willing to fully connect with its heart and soul.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘AI Supremacy: The Battle Between China, USA & Europe’ (2024)

SUNDAY SCREENING | AI Supremacy (DW), the competition between the powers of China, USA and Europe. Which technologies will shape the future of humanity? The benefits are limitless, as are the dangers.

New Study Exposes ‘Global Warming’ Hoax

Frank Bergman | New Study Exposes ‘Global Warming’ Hoax.

Saved from Drowning: From a Virtual Existence to a Real Life

Julian Rose | Understanding the tragic dehumanising trajectory of ‘deep state’ induced life style choices.

The Role of Thought Power in the Cause and Effect Dynamics of Global Crisis

Julian Rose | Despite our setbacks, humanity has the capacity to set the pendulum swinging in the opposite direction.

New Study: Cable News Viewers Have More Hawkish Views on Israel’s War on Gaza War

21WIRE | A new survey on media consumption shows why Americans are so polarised on the issue of Israel and Palestine.

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