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Ever since Washington's Maidan Coup in Kiev, Ukraine in February 2014, the West has reverted back into its traditional Cold War mode, complete with propaganda, bloated information warfare projects, and a new global arms race - all designed to both demonize and isolation Russia internationally. 21WIRE is shedding light on this shady practice being promulgated by politicians, think tanks, 'NGOs' and the Western corporate mainstream media.


“Peace Through Strength”: A Gateway to War?

Freddie Ponton | Will 2025 see the return of diplomacy?

EXPLAINED: The True Speed of Modern Nuclear Weapons

Science Time | The mind-blowing, true speed of the new range of terrifying weapons of mass destruction.

The Most Insane Weapon You Never Heard About

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell | It was a bomb that would destroy everything – not a weapon, but an apocalypse.

The Big Problem: What Happened When We Send Nukes Into Space

21WIRE | Revealed: the real reason why we stopped sending nukes into space.

INTERVIEW: Mats Nilsson – ‘European Elections Are Not What You Think’

TNT Radio | Will the latest EU election results really change anything?

INTERVIEW: Ryan Dawson – ‘NATO Are Destroying Ukraine’

TNT Radio | The U.S. and its NATO partners are running Ukraine dry.

INTERVIEW: Mats Nilsson – Why Russia & The West View ‘Victory Day’ Differently

TNT Radio | As always, propaganda becomes the raison d’etat.

INTERVIEW: Arnaud Develay – New Book Exposes Biden Corruption in Ukraine

TNT Radio | Blowing the lid on Biden family corruption racket in Ukraine and Burisma black ops slush fund.

PODCAST: ‘Moscow Terror Attack’ with Patrick Henningsen Arnaud Develay, Freddie Ponton & Hesher

SUNDAY WIRE | Crocus City Hall: shades of GLADIO?

War in Europe? The Russian Bear in East & Ukrainian Refugees in The West

Dr Can Erimtan | Just how much longer can the West’s pic gravy train in Ukraine carry on?

INTERVIEW: Russell ‘Texas’ Bentley – Donbass: ‘War, Peace & Elections’

TNT Radio | The war in Donbass and the upcoming Russian elections.

INTERVIEW: Clarisse Wiydorven – ‘From Africa to Donbass’

TNT Radio | International journalist discusses her experience on the ground during the Ukraine conflict.

INTERVIEW: Sonja van den Ende: ‘Under Fire: Independent Media, Elections in Donbass & Kherson’

TNT Radio | A look into independent war reporter Sonja van den Ende’s time spent in Donbass.

INTERVIEW: Yulia Berg – ‘Election Integrity in Russia, Africa & USA’

TNT Radio | Russia’s upcoming elections and the problem with electronic voting vs paper ballots.

INTERVIEW: Mats Nilsson & Basil Valentine – ‘Ukraine is Draining Europe’

TNT Radio | The West is looking for an exit from NATO’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.

INTERVIEW: Mats Nilsson – ‘Analysing Putin’s History Class on Tucker’

TNT Radio | Western furore over Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with Putin

INTERVIEW: George Szamuely – ‘Ukraine Becoming a Liability for the U.S + Gonzalo Lira

TNT Radio | The jury is already in: the Ukrainian project is a massive liability for Washington.

INTERVIEW: Mats Nilsson – ‘Sweden-Iran Spygate, EU Dragged Down by Ukraine’

TNT Radio | Are we spiraling towards World War Three?

INTERVIEW: George Szamuely – ‘Gonzalo Lira and U.S. Failure in Ukraine’

TNT Radio | The entire Ukrainian project has become a liability for Washington.

Lavrov: ‘Holocaust Doesn’t Give Israel Impunity’

RT International | Russian FM: Soviet people were also subject to Nazi genocide, but Russia doesn’t have carte blanche in the global arena.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue