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Klaus Schwab Demanding 75% Global Reduction in Private Cars by 2050

21WIRE | It’s nothing less than the total corporate takeover of our sovereign governments.

The War on Cash is Here

Blake Lovewell | As the globalist Great Reset agenda advances further, the case for cash has never been stronger.

Look Up, Wake Up People: ‘You Are Being Suicided in Warp Speed’

Peter Koenig | We are now on the cusp, and our vocabulary lacks the strength to appropriately describe the monstrous ongoing tyranny.

War on Global Agriculture: The Unsustainable ‘Sustainable’ UN Agenda 2030

F. William Engdahl | Their goal is nothing short of the complete destruction of the existing food supply line structure – and replace it will a top-down control system.

Henningsen: Exposing the ‘Green’ Deception & Elite Agenda 2030

TNT Radio | Exposing the deception behind the fake ‘green’ agenda and ‘sustainability’ racket run by elite financial institutions and steered by the WEF.

As Greta, Gore Go Into Hibernation, North America Braces for Another Record Cold Winter

21WIRE | More bad news for the climate alarmism industrial complex. 

Neil Oliver Exposes the Climate Change Deception and ‘Sustainable’ Fraud

21WIRE | Exposing the lie which also underpins the raft of failed faux ‘green’ policies currently being pursued by Western governments.

How BlackRock’s Larry Fink Created the Global Energy Crisis

F. William Engdahl | Meet the arch-globalist who is steering the current world economic calamity.

Chaos By Design: The Roots of the EU Energy Crisis and France’s ‘Green’ Deception

Freddie Ponton | They want a dark winter. The time to pushback is now.

‘They Don’t Want You to Own a Home’

Dr. Vernon Coleman | So what does the future hold for those with poor social credit ratings?

ONE HEALTH: Food Security and the Catalyst for Manufactured Emergencies

Freddie Ponton | Who controls the food supply, controls the people, and with it the destiny of humanity.

REVEALED: ‘How They Plan to Bankrupt Us All’

Dr. Vernon Coleman | They don’t want us to own anything. It’s the plan.

ONE HEALTH: Trojan Horse to Make Climate Change a ‘Global Health Emergency’

Freddie Ponton | The latest globalist parlor trick – merging the threat of climate change with ‘global public health.’

Why Do People Willingly Sacrifice Their Freedom for the Illusion of Security?

Dr Joseph Mercola | Thoughts and strategies on how to break mass formation and prevent totalitarianism.

Digital Tyranny: Rockefeller-Gates and WHO ‘Vaxx-Certificate’ Passport and Road to WWIII

Peter Koenig | Medical Martial Law is now being implemented across most the world, but most of the public have no idea. Is it too late to reverse the global coup?

‘Fact-checkers’ Rush to Defend Bill Gates Disturbing ‘Vaccine Depopulation’ Statement

21WIRE | The Fact Checkers score another dramatic own-goal as they attempt to cover-up Gates’ dark statement.

Dystopian Great Reset: ‘Own Nothing and Be Happy’, Being Human in 2030

Colin Todhunter | Not to worry, their proposed technocratic transformation of humanity will regard humans as commodities to tracked, traced and drop-shipped from A to B.

Papal Encyclical “Laudato Si”: A Brand New Sustainable Testament

Branko Malić I Famous “environmental” encyclical by Pope Francis still rises controversy. We present an analysis of an entire document.

Agenda 21: An Introduction

Branko Malić | One main objection to Agenda 21 detractors is that they haven’t read it. Here, we present the analysis based on close reading of an entire document

Global Warming Scare: A Genealogy of Climate of Fear

Branko Malić | Global warming scare is approaching its third decade. Why not take a look at its roots and history?

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