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LEAKED VIDEO: Shock footage reveals historical roots of ‘Occupy Movement’

21WIRE | The answers to why ‘Occupy’ failed so badly contained in this shocking video…


21WIRE | Step one: Disengage with the system you are unhappy with.

Arab Winter: US-Backed Military Junta in Egypt Was Always The Plan

Patrick Henningsen | There will be no help on the way from the beacons of democracy in the west.

FINANCIAL COLLAPSE: ‘It’s not rocket science’

21WIRE | Here’s short film that will get you started on your path to social enlightenment,

Here’s the Risk: Occupy Ends Up Doing the Bidding of the Global Elite

Patrick Henningsen | With men like George Soros in the background, it’s fairly easy for ‘grassroots’ campaigns to become co-opted.

‘Occupy Messiah’: ‘Do as we say, not as we do’, says Obama

Patrick Henningsen | Washington still felt it was somehow ‘winning’ when they went on to demand that both Libya and Syria to ‘show restraint’ and let ‘democracy’ take it’s natural course.

‘Climate Crazies’ hope to piggy-back on Occupy London OLSX this weekend

Patrick Henningsen | Occupy is up and running, and the climate nuts are hoping to take it over.

OCCUPY: Mindless Americans Falling Prey to ‘New Revolution Business’ and Collectivist Trap?

Patrick Henningsen | Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests have pioneered a technique dubbed as “The People’s Microphone” – and it’s mind control for the masses.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue