Dady Chery and Gilbert Mercier | Behind the curtain of limousine liberals and their high-paid ivory tower empire.
SHAMELESS: Denver ‘Ferguson Protesters’ Cheer as Police Officers Get Hit by Car
21WIRE | Unruly crowds cheer loudly and taunt injured officers, including one in critical condition.
Ferguson: Riots, Race and the Democratic Party Machine
Patrick Henningsen | Obama’s controlled opposition of racemobs and violent protesters – a 21st century politically correct lynch mob.
BREAKDOWN: Wall Street, Money and the Merchant Class
SARTRE | Dire straits: Zero growth, and personal loans become cash advances off credit cards.
‘The Great Deformation’: How Our Economy Became So Twisted
James Hall | Our economic future is bleak for humanity as long as the fraudulent monetary system of fiat money is allowed to continue.
Scotland Votes ‘NO’, Now Watch As the Ground Shifts Beneath Our Feet
Patrick Henningsen | Here are the winners and losers from the latest chapter in Scotland’s epic quest for independence.
Sin City: ‘Vegas Shooters’ Had Relationship With Police – Active Shooting Drills Gave Backdrop
Shawn Helton | The Vegas shooters were Occupy activists and had a working relationship to Las Vegas police.
LEAKED VIDEO: Shock footage reveals historical roots of ‘Occupy Movement’
21WIRE | The answers to why ‘Occupy’ failed so badly contained in this shocking video…
Ukraine Being Torn Apart by Western-backed Colour Mobs on an ‘EU Jihad’
Patrick Henningsen | We are looking at a violent, attempted coup d’état in the Ukraine – not a ‘colour revolution.’
White House Petition for Executive Order ‘Stripping Citizenship and Exile’ Anyone Who Signs Petition to Secede
21WIRE | America needs to embrace this debate – not shut it down.
21WIRE | Step one: Disengage with the system you are unhappy with.
FINANCIAL COLLAPSE: ‘It’s not rocket science’
21WIRE | Here’s short film that will get you started on your path to social enlightenment,
Here’s the Risk: Occupy Ends Up Doing the Bidding of the Global Elite
Patrick Henningsen | With men like George Soros in the background, it’s fairly easy for ‘grassroots’ campaigns to become co-opted.
21WIRE | Who financed Lenin and the Bolsheviks?