Andrew Korybko | The deep state playing more games here – designed to pin down Trump, and prevent any international progress from taking place.
Not Much Time Left To Save Julian Assange From Extradition
21WIRE | Assange will likely face the prospect of being buried alive for decades in some federal dungeon.
US Talk Show Host Slams Zelensky’s ‘Begging for Cash’ From US Taxpayers
21WIRE | ‘He’s some corrupt Ukrainian strongman. Where does he get that attitude?’
US Senate’s CIA Torture Report to Remain Secret for ‘National Security’
21WIRE + LA Times | Judge rules that US citizens have no right to see the contents of the controversial report.
Yemen and Ukraine: A Tale of Two Wars
Fra Hughes | Two very distinct wars, both with their origins in people fighting to free themselves from corrupt government and foreign control.
Go Figure: NATO Leaves, Taliban Ban Poppy Production in Afghanistan
21WIRE | This really says it all about the true nature of the US and UK-led occupation of Afghanistan.
Stephen Kinzer Retrospective: 100 Years of the U.S. Overthrowing Governments
Film Archives | Undoubtedly, a unique brand of pragmatic noninterventionist activism and journalism.
REPORT: Afghanistan’s Sanctions Trap
RT international | Sanctions on Afghanistan will strangle the country economically and lead to instability and civil war.
This is Why Joe Biden’s Poll Numbers Are Crashing
21WIRE | According to the latest survey, Americans are no longer confident the President can handle the day to day challenges of running the country.
US Economic Warfare vs China: Adrian Zenz and Xinjiang Cotton Lies
Brian Berletic | The US has repeatedly demonstrated how far it will go to tell a lie to create a war situation. Here we are again.
Pivot to Asia Redux: After 9/11 Anniversary, Washington Eyes China
Dr Can Erimtan | Will Biden be able to successfully complete his predecessor’s pivot to Asia, or will the US be supplanted by China a the Pacific hegemon?
CrossTalk: The Real Afghan Agenda + Has the Great Reset Already Begun?
CrossTalk | Host Peter Lavelle speaks with guests Marcus Papadopoulos and Patrick Henningsen.
CrossTalk: Falling US Fortunes in Middle East, YouTube’s Global Censorship Farm
CrossTalk | Host Peter Lavelle with 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen and author George Szamuely.
REPORT: Pentagon Paid Defense Contractors at Least $4.4 Trillion Since 9/11 | War profiteers Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and Blackwater kept the ‘blood money’ flowing out of the Pentagon.
New Warning of Potential ‘Terror Attacks’ Designed to Demonize Opposition to COVID Vaccines
21WIRE + Corbett Report | How opposition to COVID vaccines could be recast as potential terrorism.
Over 20,000 Afghan Refugees Have Arrived in the U.S. – Where Will They Live?
21WIRE | This will take more than a few ‘woke capitalists’ shaking their magic money trees.
Is America Now Supposed to Save Tigray from Ethiopia and Eritrea? | Bandow writes: “The ongoing conflict in the Horn of Africa is horrendous. However, the US has little leverage over the contending parties.”
Reports of 10 Civilians Killed in Kabul Drone Strike That White House Calls ‘Successful’
21WIRE + | U.S. officials still doubling down on the ‘success’ stories of a failed pull-out mission in Afghanistan.
Afghan Belgian Citizen Shot by US Soldier During Evacuation at Kabul Airport
SouthFront | “I could see the American flag on his uniform. He said he would aim at my forehead if I didn’t leave.”
Abandoning Afghanistan: The Hindu Kush in U.S. Foreign Policy, 1979-2021
Dr Can Erimtan | From Carter to Biden: a long string of ill conceived ideas and designs which has made the US the latest casualty in the ‘graveyard of empires.’