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First came 'soft power' - using media and propaganda as a tool to influence foreign countries and governments to do the bidding of imperial powers like Great Britain and the United States. Then came the upgrade known as "smart power" - the strategic use of 'pro-democracy' NGOs to manipulate diplomacy, political consensus building, and projecting power and influence to enact regime change in noncompliant governments overseas. 

VIDEO: Washington’s Unstoppable Superweapon and How to Defend Against It

The New Atlas | More than any military incursion, Washington’s preferred weapon of choice is its fleet of ‘democracy’ NGOs.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Red Alert: NGO’s Hostile Takeover’ (2024)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Investigating the networks of NGOs who have appeared in Russia, and their negative impact on a country’s stability and society.

George Soros is Calling for Regime Change in China

RT International | The liberal financier singled out Xi Jinping as the greatest threat to the ‘open societies’ of the world.

National Endowment for Democracy Provided $1.2 Million to Kazakhstan to Spark a Color Revolution

Covert Action Magazine | The dirty fingerprints of Washington and Soros are all over central Asia.

Belarus Journalist Arrested After RyanAir Flight Forced to Land

Patrick Henningsen | US and EU now calling for sanctions against Belarus, an ally of Russia, further increasing international tension.

EP #1 – 21WIRE LIVE hosted by Patrick Henningsen with special guest Brian Berletic

21WIRE LIVE | Inaugural episode of our new livestreaming program.

UN, US Team-up to Demonize Russia and Syria

Stephen Lendman | Too often, the UN fails to denounce US wars of aggression – instead blaming victimized nations for Washington and NATO’s own crimes.

The Sadness of Submissive, Quietly Recolonized Malaysia

Andre Vltchek | The story of a country whose ‘elites’ and ‘intellectuals’ put personal interests first, allowing the West to colonize their nation.

BOLIVIA COUP: Step By Step Guide to U.S. Regime Change Operation

21WIRE.TV | Co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Mike Robinson offer a step-by-step guide to this latest regime change operation in South America.

Hong Kong’s Hooligans: Western Shock Troops

Andre Vltchek | Rioters say they’re ‘fighting for democracy,’ and yet are highly intolerant to those they disagree with.

REVEALED: US Behind Hong Kong Protests – Admits US Policymaker

Tony Cartalucci | In addition to this latest admission, deeper research shows NED recipients are actually leading the protests in China.

Destabilizing Pakistan: The Bookending of Washington’s Shady China Policy

Tony Cartalucci | American cries of ‘human rights violations’ are being used to sell two different US-backed conflicts – designed to impede China’s rise and that of its allies.

Problems Arise with Washington’s Latest ‘Color Revolution’ in Hong Kong

Tony Cartalucci | It looks like yet another US-backed ‘color revolution’ masquerading as ‘popular opposition.’

British Aid to Venezuela: A Soft Power Tool Kit

Nina Cross | UK aid to Venezuela is rooted in a familiar neoliberal political agenda – helping to create division and instability.

REVEALED: Amnesty International’s Historic Links to US & UK Intelligence Agencies

Alexander Rubinstein | Troubling connections contradict Amnesty’s image as a benevolent defender of human rights and reveal an organization crafted to project Anglo-American soft power internationally.

“And… Cut!” – A Final Curtain Call for Syria’s White Helmets

Tony Cartalucci | When the US-UK governments and mainstream media needed video footage, or even WMD evidence, they could always count on the White Helmets, working side-by-side Al Qaeda. But in their final act, they had to cut and run with the rest of Syria’s terrorist imports.

INTERVIEW: William Engdahl discusses his new book ‘Manifest Destiny’

F. William Engdahl | Behind every Color Revolution… you will find the usual suspects.

Charity for Syria? Holding ‘Hope Hospital’ Accountable

Steven Sahiounie | There are some serious problems with The Guardian’s recent feel-good piece on the latest celebrated medical charity ‘working for Syria’.

Agent Angelina: Are CIA Using Hollywood’s Jolie as Soft Power Operative?

Andrew Korybko | Seems that the mainstream claim that “the CIA wouldn’t hire someone like that” won’t fly anymore.

EXPLAINED: The West’s NGO ‘Human Rights’ Scam

21WIRE + Southfront | Human rights in the West: does the reality live up to the rhetoric?

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