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The Dark Origins of the Davos Great Reset

F. William Engdahl | Rather than ‘save’ humanity, this dark dystopian agenda is meant to do just the opposite.

Global Warming Scare: A Genealogy of Climate of Fear

Branko Malić | Global warming scare is approaching its third decade. Why not take a look at its roots and history?

Australia’s Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21 and The Club of Rome

21WIRE | Proof: The Club of Rome invented man-made global warming.

THE LASTEST SCAM: U.S. ‘Climate Aid’ Targets Poorest Nations with Free Cash

21st Century Wire says… This website had successfully debunked the mythology of climate change and global warming as far back as 2009, when we ravaged Al Gore & Co.’s get-rich by charging for air theft model in Copenhagen, leading to the collapse of his Chicago Climate Exchange carbon stock market – a total failure because […]

‘Climate Crazies’ hope to piggy-back on Occupy London OLSX this weekend

Patrick Henningsen | Occupy is up and running, and the climate nuts are hoping to take it over.

Another Domino Falls: UK’s Leading Scientific Body Retreats on Climate Change

By Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire Sept 30, 2010 It’s the latest in a series of high-profile set-backs suffered by global warming theorists- the UK’s leading scientific body has decided to rewrite its own definitive guide on climate change, now admitting that it is “not known” how much warmer the planet will become. The Royal […]

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