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The ‘Torture Experience’ & Soy-Boi Apocalypse – Boiler Room EP #187

Alternate Current Radio | Hesh, Spore, Jay Dyer, Jamie Hanshaw, Randy J and Infidel Pharaoh for this meeting of the ACR Brain-trust. Get ready for a wild look into the news stories of the week with that special Boiler Room irreverence.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘A Noble Lie’ (2011)

SUNDAY SCREENING | What really happened at the notorious Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995?

Man Arrested in Shooting of 2 Ferguson Police Officers

21WIRE | Suspect said shots were unintentional and not aimed at police.

Holder Stands Down on George Zimmerman, DOJ Won’t File ‘Race’ Charges

21WIRE + Huff Post | A three year ‘race-hunt’ by the DOJ finally comes to an end.

DOJ Appointee Loretta Lynch is Key in Washington’s Phony War on Terror

SPECIAL REPORT | Loretta Lynch has played a pivotal role in at least two bogus terror cases that produced fabricated results.

Not Again: Black Residents Riot in St Louis After Black Man Pulls Gun on Cop – Then Gets Shot

21WIRE | Protesters calling for ‘amnesty’ for any black men involved in crime – even if they are armed.

SHAMELESS: Denver ‘Ferguson Protesters’ Cheer as Police Officers Get Hit by Car

21WIRE | Unruly crowds cheer loudly and taunt injured officers, including one in critical condition.

Endless Scandals: Eric Holder Jumps Ship, Resigns as Attorney General

21WIRE | Holder jumps ship – a signal that a devastating scandal is coming down the pipeline for the White House.

AG Holder visits Ferguson to dispense ‘crowd control’ advice, prop-up National Guard

21WIRE + WP | President Obama has dispatched his top agent provocateur, US Attorney General Eric Holder, to Ferguson MO in official ‘crisis opportunity’ mode.

Latest ‘Domestic Terror’ Sniper Attack in California is Likely a Government False Flag

21st Century Wire | This attack happened a few months ago, but was only publicly acknowledged by authorities this week.

The DEA: America’s Largest Cocaine Smuggler

Libertarian News + Business Insider | The Chicago area has been flooded with Class A drugs — under the direct control of the DEA.

Will Eric Holder Really Nail Big Banks For Their Currency Trading Fraud?

21WIRE + Deal Book | Hold the press: “The manipulation we’ve seen so far may just be the tip of the iceberg”.

Trayvon Martin’s family attorney claims to be ‘social engineer’ for justice, outside of law

21st Century Wire | It appears as if a highly organized apparatus has been culled together to challenge the moral fabric of this country, intentionally creating division.

DOJ Actively Worked to Foment Racial Unrest, Spending Thousands in Taxpayer Funds

21st Century Wire | Taking federal government social management to an entirely new level – by injecting race into a criminal case.

Mexican police chief killed by rifle connected to “Fast & Furious” gunwalking program

21WIRE+LAT | Another scandal rearing its ugly head again.

Whistleblower General Cartwright: demonized by a criminal US government

21WIRE+RT | General Cartwright did the right thing, and is treated like a criminal – by a criminal government.

Proposed Wiretapping Legislation Bureau’s Top Priority

Washington Post | Proposal would fine tech companies for noncompliance with wiretap orders.

DOJ: Suspect Dzokhar Tsarnaev Charged with Using a ‘Weapon of Mass Destruction’

21st Century Wire | It’s official: Eric Holder has officially lost the plot, bringing a new definition to ‘overkill’.

POT LUCK: Washington State to Legalize Marijuana Without DOJ ‘Guidance’

Washington Post | Finally, adults in Washington state will be able to smoke marijuana legally.

LIBYA BOMBSHELL: Obama Overruled Two Top Lawyers, Who Told Him War Must Be Terminated

By Joe Weisenthal Business Insider June 18, 2011 This week several members of Congress challenged Obama on the legality of the Libya war, given that actions have exceeded the 90 day period during which The White House doesn’t need Congressional authority for military action under the War Powers Act. The White House response: We don’t need […]

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