Freddie Ponton | This key region is now prone to instability as US strengthens ties with Armenia and whilst sanctioning both Georgia and Azerbaijan.
South Caucasus Instability and New Battle for the ‘Middle Corridor’
#Shariah4Turkey: Turkey’s 2023 Election – Do or Die?
Dr. Can Erimtan | Will Erdogan’s ‘New Turkey’ succeed in reviving the Ottoman legacy?
Kazakhstan Invites Russian Forces in to Stabilize Country – CSTO Security Summit Set for Monday
21WIRE | Peacekeepers arrived in Almaty, the focal point of the unrest, to guard the airport and other key infrastructure.
Nagorno-Karabakh: The Aftermath of the Attack on Artsakh
Dr Can Erimtan | Turkey continues it’s NeoOttoman revival, subsuming its new satellite client Azerbaijan into it’s territorial orbit.
Fighting Over a Soviet Legacy: Nagorno-Karabakh
Dr Can Erimtan | The ‘frozen’ conflict which finally thawed, and with a bitter ending for the Armenians. Once again, money talks.
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus & Ukraine – The Slow Motion Collapse of Soviet Union
Paul Robinson | There are multiple underlying reasons for the conflict and strife we are seeing – most of which is beyond the scope of mainstream coverage.
This is Genocide: The U.S. Senate’s Armenian Gambit vis-à-vis Turkey
Dr Can Erimtan | US-Turkey relations may be devolving into tit-for-tat recriminations – against a backdrop of an ever widening trans-Atlantic rift.
Turks, Kurds, Armenians & Americans: Genocide Denial as the Turkish Republic’s Raison d’être
Dr. Can Erimtan | Denial of an Armenian genocide has become a crucial political calculation in Erdogan’s New Turkey.
Erdogan: Pretender to the Ottoman Throne Threatens to Exile Five Million Turks
Thierry Meyssan | Erdogan’s delusions of Empire threaten to deprive 5 million Turks of their nationality.
Another Hidden War: Azerbaijan & Armenia
21WIRE + UK Column | Some key points regarding the geopolitical tremors in Nagorno-Karabakh.
ANALYSIS: Armenia and Azerbaijan – The History Behind the Recent Tensions
21WIRE + Andrew Korybko | The real reasons behind the recent Azerbaijan and Armenia tensions explained by geopolitical analyst, Andrew Korybko.
FAIL: US-backed ‘Electric’ Color Revolution in Armenia Short Circuits
Tony Cartalucci | Times are tough for America’s “color revolution” industry.
US Desperate to Steer Greece Away From Russian-Turkish Pipeline Project
Patrick Henningsen | The US and Russia are currently locked in a battle for regional energy dominance in Europe.