Kurt Nimmo
March 30, 2011
The clip features the usual NWO suspects, including Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations since July 2003; former U.S. rep Jane Harman, soon to be the boss of the globalist training center, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; the neocon Robert Kagan, who is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and a PNAC co-founder, and the neocon and former CIA director under Clinton, James Woolsey, who is a self-described “Joe Lieberman Democrat” (meaning he advocates bombing small and defenseless Muslim countries) who is also a PNAC supporter and former member of the CIA-infested “Freedom House” (an Orwellian term – it should be called the “Color Revolution House”).
Usual NWO suspects argue about six and one half dozen of the other, aka “regime change”:
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