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Climate Alarmists Baffled: ‘There Are No Hurricanes This Season, Our Climate Models No Longer Work’

21WIRE | The Western media continue to avoid any findings which don’t align with the narrative of man-made carbon dioxide driving ‘climate change.’

New Study Exposes ‘Global Warming’ Hoax

Frank Bergman | New Study Exposes ‘Global Warming’ Hoax.

INTERVIEW: Kristian James – ‘Amazon is Buying Wind Farms’

TNT Radio | Amazon is buying their own ‘green’ energy grid, is this part of a transnational monopolist trend?

INTERVIEW: Kristian James – ‘Net Zero’ Madness, US Sending A.I. Drones to Israel

TNT Radio | The ‘Net Zero’ agenda still doesn’t add up. Also, US firms are supplying new deadly AI drones to Israel.

INTERVIEW: Kristian James -‘GB News Speech Cull + Net Zero Lunacy’

TNT Radio | Establishment now clamping down on GB News, and climate change mythology continues to drive the disastrous ‘Net Zero’ agenda.

INTERVIEW: Kristian James – Net Zero U-Turn + ‘Online Harms’ Censorship

TNT Radio | UK PM Sunak is back-peddling on ‘Net Zero’ policies, while the government pushes ahead with its draconian ‘Online Harms’ legislation.

INTERVIEW: Tony Heller – Debunking the ‘Record Heat’ Climate Scam

TNT Radio | Understanding this summer’s ‘record heatwave’ and the wider global propaganda campaign.

INTERVIEW: Kristian James – ‘Global Boiling’ Scam + WEF Food Control

TNT Radio | Why are governments and media so desperate to accelerate their science fiction ‘climate disaster’ end times narrative?

SUNDAY SCREENING: Debunking Weather Event Alarmism (2022)

SUNDAY SCREENING | It turns out that debunking the craziness is a lot simpler than most people think.

INTERVIEW: Dr Jerome Corsi with the Truth on Energy and Climate Change

TNT Radio | Challenging the fundamental pillars of the IPCC’s climate orthodoxy.

Climatism: How Al Gore Stuffed Millions Into His Lockbox While ‘Saving the World’

Jon Rappoport | For elites, power and control is all about convincing populations that a massive intervention is necessary to save all of humanity from ‘a collapse of all life on Earth.’

There’s a New Climate of Panic Among the Panic-Mongers

The American Thinker | What the climate crazies don’t want you to know: there has been no global warming at all for approaching eight years. And that’s just the beginning.

Bjorn Lomborg: ‘Climate Change Will NOT End Life on Earth’

UnHerd | Radical climate alarmism is not only counter-productive, but it will bankrupt governments and lower overall standards of living for everyone.

Australian Professor Fired for Criticising Climate Consensus, Loses Appeal to High Court

21WIRE | Another serious blow to academic freedom, as legal clerics intervene to police speech and opinion.

IPCC Caught Fiddling Its Apocalyptic ‘Sea Level’ Claims

Real Climate Science | Claims about ‘climate change’ coming from media and government are the exact opposite of what the data shows. 

Al Gore 15 Years On: ‘An Inconvenient Climate’

Tony Heller | Gore claimed we only had ten years to ‘save the climate.’ How wrong he was.

Lomborg: Calling Out the ‘False Alarm’ of Climate Hysteria

21WIRE | A sobering and even-handed discussion on climate without the usual Thunbergesque apocalyptic narratives.

Climatist Exaggerations About Global Warming Greater Than Ever

Copenhagen Consensus | Throughout history, mass panic has always led to fatal policy decisions. Have we learned our lesson yet?

Deutsche Bank Admits EU Will Need ‘Eco-Dictatorship’ to Implement Green New Deal

21WIRE + GWPF | In order to achieve carbon neutral by 2050, Europe’s economy and entire political and legal systems will have to be fundamentally altered.

Biden, Kerry and Climate: 5 Dirty Secrets Behind Radical ‘Decarbonization’ Plans

21WIRE | New ‘green’ measures designed to kill the American economy, while making the party’s donor class oligarchs even wealthier than ever.

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