SUNDAY SCREENING | One man’s way of coping with the trauma and suffering of Syria’s brutal long war.

The momentum has shifted in Aleppo these last weeks, as the Syrian Army continue to advance, steadily driving out Western and Gulf-backed terrorist fighters from their occupied enclaves in Eastern Aleppo. 21WIRE will post new updates as we receive information…
VIDEO: ‘Rebuilding Aleppo’
21WIRE | This is perhaps the most incredible comeback story of this long war.
Turkey’s Eurasianist Moment: The Importance of Idlib and Russia
Dr Can Erimtan | Understanding the historic and political elements which form the backdrop of Erdogan’s perilous geopolitical high-wire act.
Syrian Army Continue Rapid Advance in Idlib, Controlling Key Areas West of Aleppo
Khaled Iskef | SAA making headway in Idlib, but not without difficulty, as militants double efforts to open new fronts to distract government forces.
SYRIA: Infighting Continues Between Militants in Aleppo’s Eastern Countryside
Khaled Iskef | The in-fighting continues, as rival jihadist and Turkish proxies continue to compete for the spoils of war.
The Battle for Aleppo: HTS Opens New Front to Draw Syria and Russia Away from Idlib
Khaled Iskef | As pressure mounts on the terrorist stronghold of Idlib, militants attempt to draw Syrian and Russian forces away into a defensive effort to save Aleppo.
HTS Terrorists Intensity Attacks on Aleppo’s Residential Neighborhoods
21WIRE | US and Turkish-backed terrorists in Syria continue indiscriminate shelling of residential areas in Aleppo.
SYRIA: Turkish Proxies Fight Over Looted Properties in Afrin
SouthFront | Turkish-backed groups have been looting the area of Afrin in Northern Aleppo.
Russia Delivers 3 Tonnes of Humanitarian Aid to Needy Residents of Aleppo
21WIRE | Russia hoping to fill the gap in food and clothing for residents in the settlement of Maaret Um Haush near Aleppo.
Khan Shaykhun Locals, Damascus Talking About Possible ‘Reconciliation Agreement’
SouthFront | Terrorist groups like Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) will likely work to sabotage any such agreement.
BREAKING: Israel Attacks Aleppo, Helping Terrorist Ground Forces
21WIRE | Israel launches another unprovoked attack against Syria, this time attempting to cripple Aleppo’s airports.
WHITE HELMETS: Organ Traffickers, Child Kidnappers,Thieves, Terrorists, Propagandists… or “Saints”?
Vanessa Beeley | A public enquiry into White Helmet activities should be demanded.
SYRIA: The Western Rogue States Must Confess their Crimes Against Humanity and be held Accountable
Vanessa Beeley | It is not enough for the West to stop financing terrorism, they must pay for their crimes against the Syrian people.
The Bluffer’s Guide to Bombing Syria
Peter Ford | The propaganda mills of the British and American governments are working overtime to justify the upcoming bombing of Syria on the pretext of use of prohibited weapons.
Trolling Jihadis: New Syrian Army Spy Film from Turkish Border-Crossing in Aleppo
21WIRE + AMN | More Syrian Arab Army (SAA) spy films, this time from a border-crossing controlled by Turkish-backed and FSA ‘rebel’ forces in northwestern Aleppo.
Veteran Intelligence Professionals to Trump: ‘Moscow Has Upped the Ante in Syria, Big Difference This Time’
21WIRE + Consortium News | Veteran intelligence professionals urge Trump to avoid an open clash between U.S. and Russian armed forces in Syria.
SYRIA: The Emerging Reality of the U.S Coalition Regime Change War – On the Ground Reporting
David Macilwain | Ignorance on Syria is no longer an excuse.
Jo Cox, Her Assassination, the White Helmets, “Humanitarianism” and Regime Change
Vanessa Beeley + Whitney Webb | The billionaires behind the Jo Cox Fund, exploiting a heinous murder to promote regime change in Syria.
Israel Attacks ‘Iranian-Linked’ Airbase in Aleppo, Syria | This latest report indicates Israel used its ‘Iranian-linked’ proviso to attack Syria once again.
All-Time Podcast: ‘Everything we’ve been told about Syria (by the MSM) is a LIE.’
21WIRE | Listen to this all-time podcast from 21WIRE with Patrick Henningsen on-location in Syria.