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The Davos Class is Desperate

The Bomb Thrower | It’s now pretty clear that the Davos class is desperate and scared, as is evidenced by their panicking luminaries.

INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – ‘Bitcoin ETF Tremor + Global Economy’

TNT Radio | BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF move may trigger some volatility in the crypto market.

INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – ‘2024 Crypto and Bitcoin Outlook’

TNT Radio | The state of the Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency space heading into the new year.

Blake Lovewell: The State of Cryptocurrency in 2024

Blake Lovewell | Heading into the new year, a summary review and analysis of the cryptocurrency space.

Domesday 2.0 – The CBDC Feudal World Order

Blake Lovewell | A global ‘Unified Ledger’ and the new worldwide Domesday Book.

7 Trends That Signal An Economic Disaster Is Rapidly Approaching

Michael Snyder | Best advice: brace yourself for impact.

CBDCs Are the Ultimate Corruption Of Money

Bitcoin Magazine | The CBDC agenda is one of the greatest threats to our freedoms today, but there are steps to fight back.

CBDCs Are Coming: Elite Plan to Use These ‘Digital Currency’ to Enslave Humanity

Michael Snyder | “If we are going to object to the implementation of CBDCs, the time is now.”

INTERVIEW: Dustin Stockton – ‘CBDC Cashless Dystopia’

TNT Radio | Understanding the globalists’ CBDC power-grab, and the real threat it poses to future freedoms and civil liberties.

INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – Get Ready: Here Comes Globalists CBDC Regime

TNT Radio | The Fed’s recent launch of Fed Now! is step one in the globalists’ plan the flip the entire financial system.

UKC News: Fed Now! & CBDC Roll-out, NATO Incites Russia With Attack on Kerch Bridge

UKC News | Co-hosts Patrick Henningsen, Mike Robinson and guest Alex Thomson with the end of week news round-up.

REVEALED: Global System of Digital Identification ‘For All’ Connected to Our Bank Accounts

21WIRE | Incredibly, most people still do not understand the full implications of this new system of control.

INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – Bilderberg, Microsoft & the CBDC Takeover

TNT Radio | Figuring out this year’s Bilderberg elite agenda and why CBDC’s could topple basic rights forever.

IMF Reveals Grim Warning for Global Economy

RT International | ‘After decades of increasing global integration, there is a growing risk that the world may split into rival economic blocs.’

INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – Explained: ‘The 7 Pillars of CBDC’

TNT Radio | Could the CBDC be a part of the technocrats’ final move to usher in the Great Reset?

The 7 Pillars of a Global CBDC System

Blake Lovewell | It turns out there is much more to be wary of in the CBDC system than previously thought.

INTERVIEW: Blake Lovewell – ‘Preparing for the Collapse’

TNT Radio | Have bank bail-ins become the new bail-outs, paving the road for a CBDC technocracy?

INTERVIEW: Mitch Feierstein – ‘De-Dollarization & Crash of the Ponzi Economy’ 

TNT Radio | The de-dollarization trend and its significance for the fate of US dollar hegemony.

INTERVIEW: Steve Falconer & Blake Lovewell – ‘Follow the Money’

TNT Radio | Navigating Schwab’s New Normal and the CBDC event horizon.

INTERVIEW: Dr. Piers Robinson – ‘The Propaganda Machine – From 9/11 to COVID’

SUNDAY WIRE | The familiar financial and political agendas being pushed for wars and pandemics.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue