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The Delusional Climate Countdown – A Holistic Appraisal of Real Climate Change

Julian Rose | The ultimate green epiphany: that the earth’s climate is always changing.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Debunking Weather Event Alarmism (2022)

SUNDAY SCREENING | It turns out that debunking the craziness is a lot simpler than most people think.

INTERVIEW: Dr Jerome Corsi with the Truth on Energy and Climate Change

TNT Radio | Challenging the fundamental pillars of the IPCC’s climate orthodoxy.

The Great Global Warming Con Explained

Dr. Vernon Coleman | Those who promote the global warming myth are richly rewarded, while those who dare to question it are severely punished.

ONE HEALTH: Trojan Horse to Make Climate Change a ‘Global Health Emergency’

Freddie Ponton | The latest globalist parlor trick – merging the threat of climate change with ‘global public health.’

INTERVIEW: Tony Heller on Real Climate Science

TNT Radio | Deconstructing and debunking some of the popular ‘climate change’ claims of the official climate orthodoxy.

Climatism: How Al Gore Stuffed Millions Into His Lockbox While ‘Saving the World’

Jon Rappoport | For elites, power and control is all about convincing populations that a massive intervention is necessary to save all of humanity from ‘a collapse of all life on Earth.’

There’s a New Climate of Panic Among the Panic-Mongers

The American Thinker | What the climate crazies don’t want you to know: there has been no global warming at all for approaching eight years. And that’s just the beginning.

IPCC Caught Fiddling Its Apocalyptic ‘Sea Level’ Claims

Real Climate Science | Claims about ‘climate change’ coming from media and government are the exact opposite of what the data shows. 

Fact Checking Dubious NOAA ‘Climate Disaster’ Claims

Not A Lot Of People Know That | Fact checking the US government’s chief climate change oracle.

Good News On Climate – But You Won’t Hear It From the Media

Andrew Montford | Contrary to received dogma, changes in climate do not spell the impending disaster that career climatists make it out to be.

Earth’s Climate is ‘Cyclical’ – New Study Shows How Earth is Cooling, Not Warming

21WIRE | ‘We are getting towards the end of the warm period – and we are heading for the next inevitable ice age.’

UK COLUMN: One Belt One Road and Other Top Stories to Watch

UK Column News | Co-anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest host Patrick Henningsen with all the top stories in Europe, the US and internationally.

Gawker says: ‘Arrest Climate-Change Deniers’, But Where Would We Put Them?

21WIRE | Climate jihadists are getting ever more desperate to make the public believe in their phantom menace.

Global Climate: Cooling Fear Trumps Warming Fear

Andrew McKillop | Climatists are still pushing their global warming agenda, but the problem is, it doesn’t square with the evidence at all.

Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met Office report quietly released… and here’s the chart to prove it

Daily Mail | Proof that climate change propaganda is a massive fraud.

GMO’s linked to aborted animals, Schmallenberg, while climate changers peddle new equine fears

Patrick Henningsen | Climate change is being blamed for something here that is more likely the result of GMO poisoning.


RT | UK authorities in a panic after a week of ‘managed anarchy’ in London.

Unfair To Blame Technology For Assisting U.K. Rioters, Say Experts

Tech Crunch | Clueless authorities rush to blame Blackberry mobile phones for the London Riots.

LONDON RIOTS: 21st Century Wire’s Patrick Henningsen on Russia Today TV

Patrick Henningsen | Multiple street riots rocked the UK this week.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue