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21WIRE Pentagon Files

Where trillions of dollars in public funds is still not enough to "keep America safe"...

Pentagon Funds ‘Cold War-Style’ Science Study To Track and Steer Mass Civil Unrest

Shawn Helton | A new social science program recalls a failed foreign policy research program from the Cold War.

Martial Law Feasibility Study for the ‘Homeland Security Society’

SARTRE | Do you think those 1.6 billion bullets were intended for a bunch of Arab terrorists trying to take over a Walmart, or an airport? Think again.

Pentagon ‘Cutbacks’ Are Nothing More Than Theater in Push for Covert Warfare

21WIRE + RT | As the Capitol Hill theater campaign toils through the all to familiar strum and drang of government ineptitude, the military budget will become the battle cry for national security.

Pat Tillman 2.0: Tale of Sgt. Peralta’s ‘Iraq War Heroism’ in Fallujah Was Total Fiction

21WIRE + Wash Post | Even after their deaths, soldiers are still shamelessly used as pawns of the military establishment.

Not China: The Pentagon can now only buy American flags made in U.S.A.

21WIRE + Wash Post | As of Friday, American flags purchased by U.S. military must be completely made in America – not in China.

The Case of the Missing Military-Industrial-Complex Money

James Hall | A rational reform of depraved money laundering is impossible without a fundamental repudiation of Washington’s internationalist foreign policy doctrines.

The Mystery of Tesla’s Missing Papers

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | The Pentagon claims that, yes, they did take them, but that they had “lost” them…

Trauma Hound: Skinny Puppy seeks $666K from Pentagon for music used in Gitmo torture

21WIRE + RT | The band Skinny Puppy has sent an invoice to the Pentagon for the subsequent use of their music in Gitmo torture sessions without their consent.

NSA and Disney Drone Cartoon Grooms Children for Total Big Brother and ‘Big Nanny’ Society

21WIRE + GMN | The level of programming in this children’s production is breathtaking in its detail and scope.

Can ‘Operation American Spring’ Avoid Being Co-opted?

Shawn Helton | Who is General Paul Vallely, and what is his affiliation with Operation American Spring?

The Insanity of the US Military Mind: ‘Swarming Autonomous Drone Fleets’ On the Way

21WIRE + RT | Technocrats in the military industry have a disturbing love of all things drone, and it must be stopped.

Black Budgets and Blank Cheques: The Pentagon is Bankrupting America

21WIRE + The Verge | We know where all our money is disappearing to, but who has the balls do do anything about it?

Ethical and Legal Backlash Against Military’s ‘Robot Army’ Has Begun

21WIRE + Telegraph | Regardless of the legal games being played, mega corps will still plough ahead and sell their wears to the highest bidder.

What happens when a military robot turns its gun on its human counterpart?

21WIRE + History Channel | Handing over the job of war to a machine has many unintended consequences.

STUXNET: US-Israeli Computer Virus Infected Russian Civilian Nuclear Power Plants

21WIRE + RT | How long will Washington and President Obama pretend that this black point on America’s record never actually happened?

Pentagon Being Pushed Into ‘Automated’ Technologies For New Hi-Tech Army

21WIRE + WP | US is spending fortunes on military industrial pork and other old technologies, while it burns through its checkbook making robots and drones.

‘Barack’s Cover’: Obama wants US Marines to spend $8 million on a ‘more feminine’ hat

21WIRE + Vanity Fair | President Obama wants to create a new and progressive ‘unisex’ look for the US Marine Corps.

At Least 22 Defense Industry Stakeholders Used as ‘Pundits’ by US Media to Sell Syria War

21WIRE + RT | Remember this next time they flood your brain with a parade of “experts”.

Broke: US Can’t Afford Base in Okinawa – Japan to rescue Pentagon with bailout for move

21WIRE + RT | Plans are being drawn up to relocate thousands of US troops off the island, to other sites like Guam – but US cannot afford the whole cost involved.

Military Insanity Complex: US Air Force once dropped live hydrogen bomb on North Carolina

RT | Revelation offers conclusive evidence that the US military narrowly avoided a self-inflicted disaster.

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