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IMAGE: Singer Nivek Ogre of Skinny Puppy – known for his blood-soaked stream of conscious performance art (Image: Tumblr).
Theatrical band Skinny Puppy known for its dark experimental music, has sent a bill to the US government for $666,000, after receiving ‘inside’ details that their music was used in Guantanamo Bay torture sessions without the their consent…
The Canadian based electro-industrial rock group has earned quite a reputation for the music they produce, having been inspired by bizarre acts like Throbbing Gristle and the electro-post-punk band Caberet Voltaire. Skinny Puppy was formed by cEvin Key (Kevin Crompton) and Nivek Ogre (Kevin Ogilvie) in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in 1982, with the use of surreal samples, heavy synth programming and abrasive vocals.
On the surface, the band’s image appears to promote a violent message, however, the ‘trauma hound’ creators have used their chaotic sound to speak out against environmental, animal, and human rights abuses over the course of their entire catalogue. They’ve also been known to inject their political views, pointing out various wartime atrocities, all through the eyes of a ‘starving animal’ theme, which is said to be the meaning of their name.
Key the band’s founder, has claimed that he first learned about the usage their music from a fan who had served as a guard at the much maligned prison camp. The band members are said to have sent an invoice to the Pentagon regarding the music that was subsequently used in torturing detainees. At the moment they have also not ruled out the possibility of a lawsuit.
Gitmo has come under fire in recent months, after being exposed as a breeding ground for double agent terror training, through its black-ops ‘Penny Lane’ facility. Additionally, Gitmo is said to have only sentenced some 7 individuals since 2002, causing many human rights advocates to challenge the indefinite detention of the nearly 800 detainees.
Sadly, if the band does get their money, US taxpayers may be footing the bill.
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Skinny Puppy band demands $666,000 for music used in Gitmo torture
Canadian electro-industrial band, Skinny Puppy, has invoiced the US government for $666,000, after its music was used at the Guantanamo Bay prison facility as an instrument of torture.
The band says its music has been played at the Guantanamo base in Cuba as part of the interrogation process for detainees. The facility was set up in 2002, in the wake of the 9/11 US terrorist attacks.
“We sent them an invoice for our musical services considering they had gone ahead and used our music without our knowledge and used it as an actual weapon against somebody,” keyboardist Cevin Key told CTV News.
“I am not only against the fact they’re using our music to inflict damage on somebody else, but they are doing it without anybody’s permission,” he added.
Key had ‘insider knowledge’ regarding the usage of his music, learning from a fan who also served as a guard at the prison camp that the music had been used. After sending the documents to the Pentagon, Key said that they are even contemplating the possibility of a lawsuit.
A US military spokesperson told the BBC on Wednesday that it had not – at that point – received an invoice.
The US military has fallen under sharp criticism for its ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ employed at the facility.
Among more serious methods such as waterboarding, which was classified as torture by United Nations special rapporteur on torture, Juan Mendez, in 2010 – it has also been reported that the US military has been blasting other loud bands into the cells of detainees – including Metallica, Nine Inch Nails – but also Queen and Sesame Street.
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