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Hollywood Files

Films, directors, spooks and psy-ops. Find out more about the real plots concealed behind the narratives, from our Hollywood archive of over 500 Hollywood-related articles and videos at 21WIRE...

All the World’s a Stage for Our Globalist Actors

Niall McCrae | That’s right – the world is a stage, and we just need to believe.

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine – ‘Obama’s Chef, Barbie vs Oppenheimer & More’

TNT Radio | A discussion on this week’s politics, scandals and culture.

INTERVIEW: Phil Zimmerman – ‘The Life of an Oppressed Comedian!’

TNT Radio | Is cancel culture killing comedy?

Unravelling the A.I. Enigma: Exploring Concerns Through the Lens of Pop Culture

Kristian James | As a society, and as a civilisation, where exactly are we with this new technological wave? 

INTERVIEW: Miles of Truth – UFO’s, Balloongate and ‘Politics is the New Hollywood’

TNT Radio | The hype and propaganda surrounding the balloons, and the likelihood of this being a massive Psy-Op.

When ‘Children of Men’ Gets Real: Infertility Crisis Threatens Future of Human Race

21WIRE | Massively declining sperm counts are nw a global reality, and the problem is only getting worse.

INTERVIEW: Corey Drayton on Hollywood’s Obsession With Super Heroes

TNT Radio | What are the cultural implications of this trend, and can modern mythology tales be used to re-engineer belief systems in the population?

Comedian Jim Breuer – ‘Somebody Had to Say It’

21WIRE | Calling out the ridiculousness of the pandemic and vaccine mass hysteria.

NBC to Air ‘Celebrity Telethon’ Money-Spinner for Ukraine

Ciaran O’Rourke | When doubling down becomes your raison d’etre, inevitably you start getting abject monstrosities like this.

INTERVIEW: Greg Sharkey on the Lack of Rebels in the Music Industry

TNT Radio | Yesterday’s heroes have become today’s corporate and government marketeers.

Gareth Icke talks to Patrick Henningsen on Ukraine and Big Pharma’s Vaccine Agenda

Ickonic TV | Understanding how western mainstream propaganda shapes reality.

REVIEW – Phil Zimmerman in “Killing Granny”

Basil Valentine | Beware: this year’s pick of the Fringe is as shocking as it is hilarious.

Playing the Role: The Story of Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky

21WIRE | The rise, and potential fall, of Ukraine’s mercurial ‘acting president.’

Russia vs The West: Rebooting the Same Old ‘Madman’ Script

21WIRE | This process is used to trigger mass formation psychosis – necessary for getting the public on board with the latest war.

A Message for Politicians Trying to Censor Broadcasters

21WIRE | As the media landscape changes, so do the rules of the game.

The Idiocy of COP26

21WIRE | A stunning rebuke of the clown world on display at this year’s COP26 confab in Glasgow.

SUNDAY SCREENING: Kim Dotcom: The Most Wanted Man Online (2017)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Bit–stream pirate, or pioneer of freedom for the internet age? You decide…

Born Rich: The Children of Western Oligharchs

60 Minutes Australia | A behind the scenes look at how the children of the rich and famous live.

Episode #391 – ‘More Bread and Circuses’ with Patrick Henningsen and Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

FIGHT CLUB (1999) – Marxist Mobs, Culture Wars & Shades Of 9/11

John the Revelator | Fight Club captured the radical zeitgeist of American culture with prescient imagery echoing 9/11.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue